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The Daily Show: Religious exemption for vaccine mandate.

MyTVC15 7 Oct 6

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Their motto should be “ What’s the point in being stupid if you can’t let everyone know it”.


They WANT exemptions then GIVE them exemptions, EXEMPTIONS from Medical Care, Hospitalization, Emergency Services, Funeral Services and Funeral Homes and Directors INCLUDING Burial in PUBLIC Cemeteries, EXEMPTIONS from Cremation, exemptions from taking part in ANYTHING involving the Public, the Town/City/State or Country BUT they MUST still PAY ALL Taxes due and NO excuses to be accepted.


Religious exemptions works for most everything else.


I could use MUCH, MUCH stronger words BUT you are a lady and there are other ladies possibly reading this so I'll just refrain and call them Wastes of Space, Oxygen, Nutrients, time and efforts instead.

@Triphid They are possibly not worthy of my best profanity.


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