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Do you know the punishment for bigamy?

Two mothers-in-law.

Lilac-JadeCanada 9 Oct 30

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Do you know the punishment for bigamy?

Two fathers-in-law.

This version is much more mirthful, or is it?

No big deal but it got me to wondering n stuff, and before I knew it I was off with the pixies.


Charles Lindberg was a bigamist.

Bigamy is like monogamy if you have one spouse too many.

I guess if you consider common law marriages a marriage he was a bigamist as well as a white supremacist and Nazi.

@Lorajay As I thought it was off topic, I decided not to mention his Nazi connections and sympathies... but since you brought it up. Yeah, he was also a freakin' Nazi. There was actually a pretty strong Nazi movement, and support for Hitler, in the U.S., right up until the attack on Pearl Harbor.


Why is this joke about women?

Apparently you belong to the Church of The Eternally Offended. Get a life!.

The last I checked, men weren't mothers.


Double trouble! 😉


My last mother-in-law liked me more than my ex-wife.

My first mother-in-law moved in with my ex-husband after her husband died. She called me and said I've got to get out of here and my second husband and I moved her.



bobwjr Level 10 Oct 30, 2021

My first mother-in-law was so sweet, I probably stayed with my first husband an extra year and a half. My second mother-in-law wasn't sweet but she was extremely nice to me.

At least you didn't have them at the same time.


Clear and present danger X 2


Well, I don't want a mother-in-law called Hope... you know that Hope is the last thing to die.


I loved my mother-in-law and would have liked to keep her.

I had a great mum-in-law, but we're not all so lucky.

I was going to say the same thing. Mine died in Jan. 2020. Lost my mother the same year.

@MyTVC15 Lost my mum-in-law in 2012.

My mother is still alive, age 93, in a care home, but we've been estranged for years. Trying to make up didn't work.


If that doesn’t define “cruel and unusual” punishment, nothing does…

1 Mother-in-law is Cruel and Unusual Punishment, 2 is classified as Torture in the Extreme, any more would a Crime against Humanity...LOL.

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