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I haven't vetted the source. Although I find the more conservative the less vaccinated they get...

Corvislover 7 Nov 2

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I believe it is true. Most people that I talk with are unvaccinated if they believe in god. These are the ones that have a "Constitutional right" and my oldest daughter is one of them. Strangely my younger daughter is vaccinated like I am but both girls claim to believe in a god. With the younger daughter this is her way of believing that she will see her dead son again.


I feel sure that it's true because of my experience here in Oklahoma.

I have a problem with calling these people conservative though. Even using the definition that conservatives do not like change, I still feel it does not describe them anywhere near as well as the term right-wing fanatics describes them

They all act like little children who always want their way or else!!!
They are all demented delusional Fascists!!!

I’m in Oklahoma too, and you are correct


Darwinism at work, as it is supposed to.


That's not surprising at all! in fact, it's common knowledge.
There ARE conservative atheists and agnostics, for some weird reason. I wonder if THEY:'VE gotten vaccinated.


Let these obstructionist Fascist die!!!

A fitting end to those who think they are so superior that they can outrun Covin19 and bullets!!!

If all those conservative death cult members do not care about public health and all that, that entails, let them commit panacide!!!


Considering the article solely referenced atheists verses religious, one wonder how you concluded "the more conservative the less vaccinated they get".

Did you forget to reference a separate article that caused your conclusion?

Atheists AND agnostics. Why do you omit them?

@Storm1752 because an agnostic is merely an atheist without conviction, therfore no need to add the term.



There continue to be differences in COVID-19 vaccination rates along partisan lines, a gap that has grown over time. We’ve documented this in our COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor surveys of the public, and we’ve been tracking county-level data to assess vaccination rates in counties that voted for Trump in the 2020 Presidential election compared to those that voted for Biden.

As of September 13, 2021, 52.8% of people in counties that voted for Biden were fully vaccinated compared to 39.9% of Trump counties, a 12.9 percentage point difference (Figure 1). While the rate of vaccination coverage has slowed in both county groups, the gap has widened over time (Figure 2).

Whether President Biden’s recent actions to address the ongoing impact of COVID-19 in the U.S., including a federal employee vaccine mandate and a requirement that all employers with more than 100 employees institute a vaccine mandate or regular testing, will be enough to increase vaccination rates and narrow this gap remains to be seen.

This data snapshot is based on an analysis of data on the share of the population fully vaccinated by county from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 Integrated County View and data on the 2020 Presidential election results by county from here

Whether President Biden’s recent actions to address the ongoing impact of COVID-19 in the U.S., including a federal employee vaccine mandate and a requirement that all employers with more than 100 employees institute a vaccine mandate or regular testing, will be enough to increase vaccination rates and narrow this gap remains to be seen.

This data snapshot is based on an analysis of data on the share of the population fully vaccinated by county from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 Integrated County View and data on the 2020 Presidential election results by county from here (for more detailed methods, see: [].

(for more detailed methods, see: [].

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