Ring! Unknown number, I answer and a mechanical voice says, “This is AT&T. Your account has been suspended. You may press 1 to fix this or O to speak to a rep.”
Why, I wanted to speak to a rep!
Rep: Hello, how can I help you?
Me: I just received a notice that my account has been suspended.
Him: I can help you with that.
Me: Before you do, I happen to be an old and lonely woman and would like to chat you up first.
Him: What do you mean?
Me: Let’s get to know each other. Are you good-looking?
Him: What do you mean by that?
Me: Are you handsome?
Him (slight titter and amused but embarrassed voice): Well, I don’t know.
Me: What are you wearing?
Him: (still tittering and embarrassed voice): Clothes.
Me: Well, let’s go a bit deeper—what color is your underwear?
Him (tittering even more): White.
Me: White? That’s boring—why not colored underwear.
Not sure if he hung up on me, but I think he just didn’t know what to say.
Me: Listen, dude, you are just another lying scammer. Piss off.
And I hang up. If I had not been about to take a walk, I would have baited him some more before getting to the underwear, but I consider this time well spent.
I am so going to steal that line and use it with the lying bastard that calls me.
For some reason, my husband (who died decades ago) has ended up on lots of call lists lately, and it's given me a bit of fun baiting them along, but I never thought to ask about their underwear! Dang, you are a master.
@Gwendolyn2018 So the scammers don't mind selling bad lists, eh? That makes sense.
Now I'm really excited to get another call.
@Gwendolyn2018 That's hysterical! And thanks for the ideas. You should start vlogging these. You'd get quite the following. Maybe even start a movement.
I love getting threats about cards and/or services I don't actually have.
@Gwendolyn2018 I usually get mine by email, so they do things like misspell the name of the company that is supposedly revoking my credit card or whatever.