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Can you imagine walking around like this??

Killtheskyfairy 9 Nov 5

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Clothes and/or the lack thereof is yet ANOTHER way in which women are subjugated, controlled, shamed, and in general treated as 2nd class citizens. Maybe I was a woman in a past life or something, but dammit our treatment of women pisses me off.


I am sure there are some women that enjoy the sheltered lifestyle and some who hate it.

On the plus side in many instances this lifestyle would make a woman feel very protected from sexual assault.

I’m going to have to disagree. Men feel free to comment on women’s dress no matter where they are on the spectrum from saint to slut. I have been catcalled names like prude and frigid if I was wearing very conservative clothes and slut synonyms for anything racier than business attire.

What a woman wears has nothing to do with sexual assault. Nuns and children are raped. It is a crime of power and opportunity.

@Killtheskyfairy I agree with your criticism.


I don't get it, but I wonder if Muslim women are secretly envious of western women, or are glad they aren't.

I was in DC on vacation in early December some years ago. I lost my hat while on a tour so took my long pink scarf and wrapped it around my head ala Muslim look to block out biting wind. The hate stares and nasty remarks ensued. My husband told me to take it off because he got hate too. I had to go buy a new hat.

Also as a woman who has gone through all of the stages of life, young womanhood, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, etc, I can’t imagine wearing that hot mess in hot weather or in wintry weather.

@Killtheskyfairy Because your husband liked your beautiful hair.

@Killtheskyfairy On the other hand, I understand why women dress down in public, given the abuse they endure if they dare present themselves in a flattering way.
As it is with anything and everything else, some men are too primitive to understand how their boorish, antisocial behavior degrades not just women, but every aspect of life.

@Storm1752 No matter what women wear, men feel free to comment. Dressing conservatively still invites abuse in the public space.

@Killtheskyfairy Yeah but they don't "comment" to or about elderly women or "normal-"looking men, or.... It's only that which provokes a visceral, animalistic assertion, to themselves and anyone listening, of their "alpha" status. Or something.

@Storm1752 seriously, dude, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

@Killtheskyfairy Maybe, maybe not. Does it really matter WHY? Would it make any difference? I think it might have something to do with it, but I don't really care; I just know I don't like it.

@Storm1752 I stand by my statement above.

Storm1753: The enforced dress code (enforced by stoning in some areas!!!!) is usually if not always coupled with refusing women any education or other chances in life other than being a brood mare & serving men.
It's a Symptom, and not a good one!

@AnneWimsey I hope you don't think I'm defending ANYTHING about Islam! I was talking exclusively about male 'catcalling,' which I just read has to do with low self-esteem. My earlier 'theory' might be valid if you then say the man/men have low self-esteem because, among other things, he/they are insecure about their masculinity and/or sexual/social status. Maybe because he/they are unsuccessful with women, the 'catcalling' would be at least in part erupt out of frustration and hostility..That in no way excuses it, but there must be SOME reason!
But that's just a guess. I've very rarely thought about it, and it's very possible I'm full of it.

@Storm1752 having worked in mostly male-dominate industries, and keenly observing for 13+ years, I can say that just one cat-caller practically forces the other men in his area to join in, or they get called a "pussy", or worse......the bad apple rotting the entire barrel, so to speak.

@AnneWimsey That could be. In fact, when you think about it, maybe MOST of it comes from groups of young men, acting like a pack of dogs.

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