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What an incredible pic of an astronaut about 100 metres away from the ISS.

SnowyOwl 8 Nov 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Should have brought a stronger deodorant with him....LOL.


Do they know who it is? πŸ˜‰


I’m quite familiar with this image, which has been β€˜fudged’ with. The Earth below is simply too far away for the mountains you’re seeing in this manipulated photograph to be resolved with that level of detail. Those mountains were imaged from an air breather platform. Here’s a copy of NASA’s original. Note the difference.

It stands to reason that in a time where everything has to be enhanced to be considered real that there is an original version of the pic. I like them both and the real one is perhaps even more impressive than the enhanced version.

@SnowyOwl Sadly, everything will soon be more than enhanced, but cut from whole cloth out of 1’s and 0’s. Beyond β€œdeep fakes,” nothing we see on the screen will be detectably authentic, not even people.

Appreciate your input on this.


What a lonely photo, one malfunction away from terror.

I doubt that the astronaut was free floating for even an hour but what a thrill to be floating out in space like that. I'd do that in a heartbeat.

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