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I equate morality with religion and so I do not presume to have them as a godless one but I do have scruples. Possibly just splitting hairs but it works for me.

SnowyOwl 8 Nov 12

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Morality lesson, a la Hollywood coding efforts to evade the Censorship Board. "The eating of oysters" vs "the eating of snails." No gay subtext here! None at all, ehem. Lol

Surely a bivalve subtext.


Does equating morality with religion mean you believe "morals" come from outside, whereas "scruples" come from the inside? If so I must beg to differ.

Religion is an invention which claims to codify morality in the name of a deity. However, since the deity is an invention as well, and moreover because most of these "morals" are based on tribal prejudices and fears rather than actual moral behavior (who actually cares if you eat seafood or unblessed pork?), morality has little to do with religion.


WTF is secular humanism if not a morality system? Humans create morality. Religion is only a tactic for branding it and claiming some cosmic authority for that given brand.

That's it in a nutshell.


If morality comes from God, and God supposedly states what is moral and what is not, doesn't that mean that those things are right or wrong no matter what God says, or is God incorrect?

Not everyone needs a middle man to do our thinking for us, but we can learn from society and the stories of the world to help us understand what is right and wrong and therefore do the moral thing based on current circumstances.

I trust people better when they make thoughtful choices, not just blindly following orders.


IF you feel that you MUST ONLY be a MORAL person because there just MAY BE a BIG Bad Sky Daddy looking over your shoulder 24/7 then you SHOULD hand in your resignation from the Human Race immediately.



bobwjr Level 10 Nov 12, 2021

Ethicists take the sword of Damocles and cut the Gordian knot without splitting the hair to the throne.

Wow ! That takes the prize for, the most mixed metaphore of the month, without a doubt.

I think that I will float downstream until cock crow, before I try herding those cats through the eye of the neddle.

@Fernapple regular ethicise and a sensible nihon parliament of owls your father of religious naturalism.


More than Respect, Morality came from When you CAN consider yourself instead of others. called " Golden Rule " ethic of reciprocity, it's like a mirror, frankly with morality we more care about ourselves.
what makes Altruism, Sympathy, Empathy and,...etc. reasonable!
IMO, this's the prettiest thing that can happen in a Society and true way of being selfish. a Win-Win situation.

Golden Rule

Diaco Level 7 Nov 12, 2021

"principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior."

SnowyOwl, nope, I disagree with your commentary here. Religion does not own morality.
Religious brands of morality tend to be based on fear of punishment, or on desire for reward. Secular humanist brands tend to emphasize empathy and an understanding of mutual benefit in helping one another.


The question is whether morality is directed to the person or the community of persons.


If humans do not have instinctive morals, where did religion get its morals from.


Perhaps it is splitting hairs, however, it seems to me that there is a qualitative difference between an action that is based on fear of consequences, imaginary or real, compared to an action that is based on a sense of compassion, humanity and reason.

I completely agree with your hair! Lol


That man is Giancarlo Esposito and I agree fully with his words.


I believe his words. He is my favorite killer character.


“We” are a lot more “same” than “we” are different.

skado Level 9 Nov 12, 2021

Love that meme! I expect religion has conditioned us to equate morality with religion but in fact morality is rooted in philosophy not religion.

It is also a lot older than at least organized religion.


Good way to look at it!!

Ya gotta wonder why the ‘God fearing’ would love or worship something that they fear.

I suppose it is because most people live their lives in fear of pretty much everything, they are scared from pillar to post and seek shelter wherever they can find it, even if it is in an imaginary protector in a church that further fleeces them of what little they have to survive on. 😟

@SnowyOwl Sorry but I MUST laugh at your reasoning re- people being scared of pretty much everything, etc, etc.
That mostly only APPLIES to the ardent and most fundament followers of Religions and Religious dogmas, for they LIVE in abstract FEAR of the Wrath and Anger of their 'Loving, Generous' God and the subsequent loss of the love of his dead zombie son.
Then come the, what I call, Christians of Convenience, who use Christianity to give themselves a feeling/sense of self-righteousness, piety and a social status that they believe places them above the common Christian Herd. Their ONLY real fear is that someone, somewhere will discover the truth about their secret and expose them to everyone else.
Then come the ordinary people who know that religion is a scam and bullshit, they do harbour some fears but they are mostly of a minor concern for they have realised that THEY are the ones, the ONLY ones, in control of their lives and they can, with a little extra effort, etc, can alter the course of their life.


That's a strange spokesperson for morality! 🙂

BD66 Level 8 Nov 12, 2021

I take it that you read his book, it puts Steven King to shame for a horror story. 😀

@SnowyOwl I was thinking of Pollos Hermanos.

@BD66 I'll have assume a reference to the Breaking Bad TV show because I don't watch the idiot box or stream or the like.

@SnowyOwl I watch only Netflix, and Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are both worth watching.

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