Is masturbation a healthy activity. Have been doing it since the age of about 11 or 12.
Everything in moderation. If you're doing it so frequently that your bits get sore, you may have a problem. From memory, the ideal frequency of ejaculation to keep your prostate healthy is at least 20 times a month. So an orgasm a day is actually sensible on health grounds.
Prostate massage (squeezing the fluid out of it) is an approach often taken by males with chronic prostatitis. It could be argued that it could be used proactively to remove stale fluid even for non-sufferers. So you also have justification for sticking things up your bum, if you want it
Damn when I was 12 I liked the feeling so much I didn't care if my bits did get sore. In fact, I am pretty sure they did. Also my mom probably didn't like all the pairs of socks I was ruining but she never took me to task for it.
its healthy but you seem a bit obsessed with all the sexually orientated questions.
Yup, healthy. The only exceptions I can think of are, as others have mentioned, if you are physically injuring yourself or someone else. Possibly, if you are feeling compulsive about it or are using porn in a way that feels out of control it could be a problem for you, but by and large, it's good for you. I think I even read a study somewhere that suggested the more orgasms a man has in his 20s, the lower his likelihood of prostate cancer later, so yeah, healthy.
'Never gave much of a thought. I don't need to know the end result or reason of things.
I don't get why folks freak out about it. It's safe and natural as,long as you're not hurting yourself or others, why should there be issues??
of course, it is. what bothers me the most are this mans posts are literally all to do with sex which at best sounds a bit obsessive and at worst who knows.
I think it is. I think it is more healthy to masturbate than it is not to. Even if in a relationship, it isn't a back up plan.