Sooo, New Hampshire thought fascist have bounties on Teachers..
Damn, I wish I had a lot of money, I could start a war. What fun. If I were a teacher I would quit immediately, unless there was a fund that would give my significant others several million dollars each if I was harmed and twice that much if I was killed. Time to get real.
These Christian Nationalist right-wing fascist are the same people that since 1977 have committed eight murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, and 186 arsons targeted at abortion clinics and providers.
That's reproductive health care workers for cis people, they love cis people.
The numbers are much worse in Christian Nationalist right-wing fascist violence against LGBT+ citizens.
Violence will not stop us from being ourselves and when Christianity is dead and long forgotten like the Druids there will still be LGBT+ people all over the world, we will outlast them.
they'll see our tail lights disappearing in the distance