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Freethought is a philosophical position that holds that ideas and opinions should be based on science and reason, and not restricted by authority, tradition, or religion.
And because of their free thoughts, unorthodox and thus controversial, philosophers often put themselves in a vulnerable position. Their free thoughts are often hijacked, distorted and exploited by political extremists/ideologues for their agendas.
Judith Butler's notion of gender performativity/the social construction of gender is a good example; it has been exploited and weaponised by trans/gender neutral activists. And now Kathleen Stock's case. But she is fighting back. The attempt to silence her has backfired on trans activists as more and more people are supporting her.
Freedom of expression, especially academic freedom, must be protected against totalitarianism.
Be a liberal, be a 'right-minded' liberal.

Kathleen Stock: I won’t be silenced
The trans activist campaign against her has backfired

About Kathleen Stock

Kathleen Stock: Colleagues poisoned students against me in transgender debate
Former Sussex University professor believes her views were 'radically' misrepresented in vindictive campaign to ‘trash’ her reputation

Ryo1 8 Nov 21

Enjoy being online again!

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The question is what is real science and what is science that has not been properly vetted? Just read a piece about this very issue and it has gotten us to where we are today. Will post it under science.


Ryo1, no name, no photo, no gender. Are you a troll?

He has a photo, he appears to be Irish?! 🤔

@Buck You're right. Nice ears, too.

@Buck No he's from Devon, a small country almost attached to England, which thinks that it is independant. (Think Newfoundlanders.) (They are very inbred, which could account for the ears. )

I understand why you think that I may be a troll. I prefer not to reveal much about myself to others, on the Internet that is; I have suffered cyberstalking in the past.

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