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Any bilingual agnostic here? I do speak Spanish... And some English too, by the way. So, I am curious about other languages.

Perseo1965 5 Apr 22

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I speak German , I’m originally from Southern Germany.

Elli Level 1 Apr 22, 2018

I lived for 2 years in the Stuttgart area!


It is alk Greek to me !


I was born of American parents but grew up in Haiti, where half the island speaks Spanish, and the other half speaks Creole and French, so I grew up speaking all four languages, plus I learned Thai after I moved to Thailand in 2010.

I even picked up Japanese, because my daughter learned it when she lived in Japan, and I started to become fluent in Japanese, until I realized it was overwriting my Thai and stopped using it.

I picked up a pretty healthy stock of Seychelloise Creole words from my friends. It put me in good stead in later years when I frequently had to travel to our international HQ office in Paris. I endeared myself the people there when I pointed out (in French) that the official language of our company was English. We could all speak it, and I would suffer, or we could speak French and they could suffer, and I felt that they ought to suffer! I then treated them to some pretty gutteral Creole mixed in with my French, and made a load of instant friends.
Friends who pulled out all the stops to help our Kenya division whenever possible.


Hi there!
My first response as a brand new member.
I am a polyglot, lived and worked in several countries. Am still able to watch TV and read in the languages, would be great to have more regular verbal contact.
However, I speak Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, French and Scots Gaelic
A misspent youth, plus I did read Scandinavian languages at uni.


Soy completamente bilingüe. Ingles, y Spanish. Pero no me considero agnostico. Soy Ateo.

¿De dónde eres?

@DUCHESSA De la República Dominicana. ¿Y tú?

@Elsantoasauro Argentina. Vivo en New York.


My native language is English.
Yo también hablo español bastante bien.
Sto imparando l'italiano.

By the way, that last line says that I don't speak a lick of Mandarin. 😀

No, the last line says you are learning Italian.

That was cute❣?

Duchessa: I suppose it is possible that the Chinese characters do not show up on all devices. They do show up on my computer, after the Italian line. Ciao e buona giornata.


Fluent in French et en anglais.


I have some Canadian French and am taking conversational French classes to improve and learn Parisian French. Apparently my Canadian French accent is “adorable “ ?

AnneD Level 5 Apr 22, 2018

Deutsch und en francais


Yes, I speak Spanish and live part-time in Menorca, Balearic Islands.


I speak both Dumb Ass and Fuck Up fluently.


French, some Spanish, and less other languages.


I speak Portuguese, Spanish and English.


im cunnilingual if that helps lol.

I am witb you on thus one, but not with tgat gun toting chick, sorry ! ?

I'm eager to learn lol


A little French and a tiny bit of Cantonese


Yo hablo inglés y español, pero necesito practicar mi español. No se todo de español.


English and Spanish. Both fluently.


In order of acquisition:-
Mimi na Kubali Kiswahili
I speak English
Je parle Français
Hablo Inglés.
I also have a smattering of Italian, (enough to survive in Northern Italy) Io Parlo piu Italiano
And enough Norwegian to be UNABLE to converse in it! Jeg snakker Norsk litt gran.


¿Eres completamente bilingüe? Éso de "SOME ENGLISH TOO" me hace dudarlo.

@Perseo1965 If you don't speak a language "all the way" could you be a "translator".

@Perseo1965 Dear, to be a translator you must speak the in "being fluent". "Éso" en este caso es un adjetivo demostrativo que remplaza -en este caso... una parte de tu oración.....por lo tanto lleva tilde.
A ver si hablas tanto español como para comprender esta lección de gramática. Punto


English, Afrikaans, Zulu and Xhosa. Chew on that one !

@Perseo1965 Do you know from which country they originate ?

@Perseo1965 Correct. IsiXhosa is from the Eastern Cape Province of S. A. One of the 11 offical languages of S. A.

That's a lekker selection. I never really picked up Afrikaans, other than a few expressions. But I can manage a pretty convincing version of Van der Merwe speaking English. Being third generation Kenyan I learned Swahili and a smattering of Kikuyu instead.

@Petter So where did you pick up a smatterling of Afrikaans ?

@VAL3941 Most Kenyans did. After the Boer war, many Afrikaaners trekked north, and settled in the highlands of Kenya, mainly around a place called Eldoret. I went to school with their descendants. (1950s)

@Petter verh interesting, did not know that. Read a lot about the Boer war and can't remember pick that up anywhere. Come to think about it there must have been a few that did not agree with it.

@VAL3941 Try this:-[]

@VAL3941 Also this from Reddit:- []

@VAL3941 and this:- []

@Petter Thanks for the info. Will certainly read up on it.

@VAL3941 My pleasure. The Kenya Boers were lekker people, often generous to a fault and damned good rugby players!


Spanish native language. That reminded me while a Sailor in US Navy how everyone in the Boat wanted to practice their one or two years of HS Spanish while Drunk on Liberty.


Deutsch, English and PHP

AndyL Level 3 Apr 22, 2018

Japanese semi-fluent, and high school Spanish too if I've had a couple of margaritas.


Bien venidos. That's all I know?

Emme Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

Isn't "bien venidos". Is "bienvenidos" (All together, it is a single word)

Is "Bienvenidos".

Thank you for saying that. I hope your 1st impression of our site can be elevated. Please feel free to look around and jump right in. You'll find some very interesting conversations and good people for the most part. If you have any questions, please feel free to msg my privately. Enjoy the site ❣?

Pretty sure it's the thought that counts. BIGLY!


I speak fluent American. LOL!

Unity Level 8 May 16, 2019
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