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In this case, the parents deserve to be charged!

Michigan school shooting: Parents of gunman charged with manslaughter

Investigators said that Mr. and Mrs. Crumbley had been contacted over their son’s concerning behaviour, including several drawings of guns and bloodied people alongside captions like “the thoughts won't stop” and “blood everywhere” and “help me.”

“The notion that a parent could read those words and also know that their son had access to a deadly weapon that they gave him is unconscionable, and it’s criminal.”

On one occasion, a teacher found the teenager searching the word “ammunition” on his cell phone during class. School personnel reportedly were unable to reach his parents, but in a text exchange with his mother later, she said: “LOL I’m not mad at you. You have to learn not to get caught.”


Apunzelle 7 Dec 3

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Absolutely agree with your conclusions.


It's almost like they were hoping he would do something like that.🤔


"In this case, the parents deserve to be charged!"



Just join the Soldiers of Fortune already if 'ya wanna kill. Kill. Kill, kill, kill...


What kind of garbage parents buy a firearm for a fifteen year old? We are not talking about a single shot 22 caliber here. These guns are made for shooting people.


WOW- I agree.


They're on the run and are fugitives


They were caught and pleaded "not guilty" to all four charges of "involuntary manslaughter".
They have to pay bail of $500K each. They've applied for the bail cost to be reduced - but no budging👍

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