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Go, California!

California Plans to Be Abortion Sanctuary If Roe Overturned

Unfortunately, poor women won’t be able to afford flight and hotel to obtain this service. Then they’ll end up on public benefits (which conservatives complain about), or their kids will end up in an overburdened adoption/foster care system.

We need California to do this. But we also need all states to keep abortion legal.

Apunzelle 7 Dec 8

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Washington would be another (at least the more civilized western part). What most don't know is that Freedom From Religion Foundation got started by Ann Nicole Gaylor, [] who started the organization (now at over 35,000 members) also started a fund to help women pay for abortions. Since most support abortion rights I suspect there will be a lot of backlash and ways to help women get the help they need.


Subsidized bus trips? I would donate to that!
An actual abortion takes about 1/2 hour at most,& no sedation, they could be back late the same day if coming from close-by states....pretty cheap!
From Texas maybe 2 overnights at Motel 6 or whatever (group rates!!!)

I like that idea. Yet I do think it would take longer, though, since soooo many of the poor women I’m thinking about are in places like Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Birmingham to San Diego, for example, is 2,000 miles. 😒

I think we’re gonna see deaths from “hangar” abortions, increased demand for social benefits, and more unwanted kids growing up without parents — which only perpetuates the cycle.

The legal fees and $10,000 settlements will add up though.


And the next time the GOP controls Congress and the White house, sadly likely in 2024, they will just make abortion a federal crime.


We need people to vote, and to know what they're voting for.


This is a sad state of affairs we're living in. All the freedoms that we thought we had are being stripped away. 😓

Unity Level 8 Dec 8, 2021

What will happen to anyone who helps someone get to CA for an abortion? The jails will be filled with innocent people, which is what republicans want.

And what if those people helping come from outside Texass? It might be hard suing people from other states.

@JackPedigo It could become a federal crime, though, if abortion is criminalized.

@Organist1 SCOTUS does not make law. And even if they overturned the present law it would take an act of congress to criminalize it. Under present conditions I don't think that will happen. If Biden finally understands the importance of this court and adds more justices they could overturn the overturn, if it should happen.

@JackPedigo Yes, they aren't supposed to legislate from the bench, and are technically, if not in practice, apolitical. However, overturning Roe would set the stage for what would happen if repubs take control of Congress. It's scary. I hope Biden does expand the court. It would work, if only temporarily.

@Organist1 Remember Roe/Wade was once illegal and plenty of people got around it. I just made a comment about Ann Nichol Gaylor (founder of FFRF) started by funding abortions pre Roe?wade. Even after it was legalized plenty found a way to ban it in their areas.

@JackPedigo I have my own complete horror story about that, and wrote a piece about it, which I would never want to publish under my own name these days, as it would be dangerous. Believe me, we never want to go back to those days. I also had a friend who committed suicide at the age of 16 when she found out she was pregnant. A year later on the anniversary of her death, her brother took his own life, and the mother followed a year after that. I would hope there would be more support for girlsm and women these days. It's not the 1960s or '70s anymore, but illegal abortionists will start up their buisiness again.

@Organist1 As you may know my late partner had two abortions. She was never ashamed and told those close to her. If she had stayed in Iran life would have been totally different.

I really like the series "Call in the Midwives." Yes, it's smalzy with a lot of religion and tons of poor people having lots of kids but so many issues come up and abortion is a biggie. It shows the feminine side and how so many women get trapped. It presents things in a more realistic way. It does show a woman dying because of a botched abortion which she administered herself.

I used to be against abortion (when I was still a member of the C. Church) Getting involved with the environmental movement changed all that but I still understand how some people, usually men, can feel. It really helps to see an issue from both sides and often one has to be a part of the dark side to really get it.

Too bad people just don't get how it can affect people. So much pain and misery due to people (often willful) ignorance.

@JackPedigo I don't think anyone likes abortion. I certainly don't, but sometimes there are compelling reason for it. If you want an idea of what I went through in 1972, Google "Kermit Gosnell". I had an early term abortion performed by a notorious serial killer/physician, and came within a hair's breadth of dying. Everyone who is on the fence about Roe v. Wade should read about it.

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