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A christian numerologist (how twisted is that?) claims that April 23rd, 2018 will be the Rapture that so many fundamentalist christians eagerly anticipate. While numerology is as loony as christianity in my book I can't help but be a bit hopeful that somehow I will wake up tomorrow and find all the loony fundamentalist christians beamed up by their Rapture. Unlikely to happen as this christian numerologist has been wrong on his dates at least twice before, still wouldn't put it past some people to be acting a bit stranger than normal tomorrow.

Surfpirate 9 Apr 22

Enjoy being online again!

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33 comments (26 - 33)

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Well that'll be fun to watch, won't it?!?

Emme Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

A week from now none of us will even be thinking about that anymore, as life shall go on.

A week????... Ha ha ha... Wouldn't even give it a day

@IamNobody I know, I was generous there giving it a week.


It's true that every number in the Bible had a meaphorical meaning, and therefore served a specific purpose. They merely served to clarify the meaning of the story, much the same way foreshadowingwas used later Numerologists mistakenly interpret the intentional use of these numbers as having an entirely different purpose. In other words numerology is garbage in any form. You can use math formulas to understand the universe better, but that's just science not magic.

Sounds kabbalic and I don't see any proof for that either, Math on the other hand is a different matter.

@Surfpirate Jewish number symbolism was just a literary tool. It wasn't meant to convey any mysterious or hidden meaning. The symbolism is based, for the most part, on their lunar calendar. You can google the Hebrew symbolic meaning of biblical numbers, but it's tough to do because of all the Modern Christian misinterpretations that fill the first several pages. Any Rabbi, even today, knows what the numbers meant, although some meanings have been lost.

@UnityBrad Thanks for that, what I have read about the Kabbalah was probably of the misinterpreted variety as I quickly realized it was without any merit. Right up there with Knights Templar Freemasonry, Numerology, Sacred Numbers and other equally conspiratorial theories. I'll stick with Mathematics.


Oh crap I'd better call my Aunt. Oh wait, she said the earth quakes would happen first.. It's all good.


Is there any reference yo the Rapture in that Bible ?


Wait thats today


On the wide range of BS there is, gotta say this rapture whatever is pretty high up on that list


If they are not taken. They should volunteer to end their presence on the planet. Everyone will be better for it.

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