Are there enough nude beaches in the USA and have you been to any?
I like Black's Beach in San Diego. There's just a comfortable relaxed feeling there. People come in any state of dress or undress that they're comfortable with, and for me it seemed that there was a complete lack of a judgmental atmosphere.
There's one in New Jersey, Gunnison Beach on Sandy Hook. Since it's on federal land managed by the National Park Service, it's free. But the parking lot fills up early. Went there once with a few friends; we all kind of stayed with ourselves and didn't take our clothes off. But yeah, it's definitely a "clothing optional" beach.
I've been to the one on the south western edge of Martha's Vineyard, MA.
No. There are not enough.
I've been to nude beaches at
Blacks Beach in Sand Diego CA
Son Onofre Beach in Orange Country CA (no longer a nude beach)
Rooster Rock State Park (east of Portland, Oregon)
Collins Beach on Sauvie island (NW of Portland Oregon)
Yeah been to blacks beach SD too. Bit of a journey to get to it mind you. Been to most in florida.
@Veevee Yeah, Blacks Beach does have that long hike down the cliff trails, whjich is made harder if you are bringing a cooler of cold drinks down.
Still, it is a great beach that stays mostly waist to chest deep quite a ways out. Of course you do have to make sure you are on the State Beach area and not the city beach area, because they ticket on the city beach area. (Facing the beach, the cliff trail tot he left of the hang gliding school, the city beach extends about 20 yards to the right of the trail end at the bottom, go more than 20 yards to the right (facign the water) and you are on the State Beach)
Every beach is a nude beach if you're adventurous enough.
There are some. Im not that bold to getting sunburnt in the wrong
I have never been to a nude beach but have gone to a natural hot springs where it was clothing optional. It was really relaxing!
No, there are not enough, and yes, I have been to some