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I am attempting to attach electronics to a machine lathe, so I can run custom configurations on it. I ordered some boards today and found that there is a tariff on them. A $20 board had a $3 tariff on it. So I now have proof that the tariffs trump put on items coming from china will cost us more, not the Chinese. Also there is talk about how we might have a war with China, how is this going to happen if we get all our electronics from the people we are supposed to fight. Seems like a short war we will lose as we will not show up.

dalefvictor 8 Jan 10

Enjoy being online again!

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So much undo from Trump

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 10, 2022

Wow you mean to tell me Joe's keeping the tariffs?

I guess so. If so I am not happy, I am starting to see problems with what he is doing.

He's got a lot to do and undo

@bobwjr like sitting down and signing a prez directive ending all tariffs


That war would be over in a nano-second.
Hope the electronics work on the lathe.
Would love to see the result.

If I get this to work without killing myself I will post results. My first venture into anything electronic since I took a turntable apart and could only get it to run backward after I put it back together. Hope I do better on this.

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