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MTG is now literally inciting people to kill Democrats. Over the right wing delusion that Biden is some sort of tyrant. 'I hate to use this language:' Marjorie Taylor Greene suggests it's time to use 'Second Amendment' on Democrats: []

Druvius 8 Jan 13

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Now that IS deplorable.


Quite frankly, this is stochastic terrorism, and she is clearly operating under the delusion that there are no Democratic gun owners out there. It is only a matter of time before some lone-wolf MAGAt acting on this incitement will learn the truth the hard way.

I would say for sure there are way more guns in the hands of conservatives rather than dems. That is just a fact.

@Tejas You're absolutely correct, but I wasn't claiming otherwise. I'm simply stating that gun ownership is not strictly Republican/conservative, as MTG seems to imply. There may be fewer Democratic/liberal gun owners out there, but there are still millions of them, and anyone operating on the mistaken assumption that there aren't might be in for a rude awakening.

@dharmabum50 out of all those gun owners how many really know how to use them under duress

@Tejas One can only shoot one gun at a time, one can shoot fast one can shoot accurately. But what do you do when someone fires back and you realize this is not a one way fight?

@dalefvictor rely on my abilities, state of mind. The alternative is death. I hope I never have to take a life (most likely will never have to) but if the day came I would do it without losing any sleep.


Not the first time she's done this, or something similar...

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