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I have been scammed too many times, it is not easy for me to trust anyone I meet on a 'dating' site, even this one. Someone messaged me from this site and we started chatting on Hangouts. He told me a few things, I told him a few things. I Googled him which is what I should have done before I even started talking to him. Either he is using a fake name (same name used on his Facebook account) or he is lying about his profession which makes me think he is lying about other things, like being divorced. I have deleted his information from my phone and will not communicate with him again. Just wanted to let members here know that this site isn't immune from scammers/liars. So Google or use one of the other sites to look up information on whomever contacts you. One can never be too careful these days.

alvinsmom 5 Apr 23

Enjoy being online again!

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ANY site , whether for dating specifically or not, can harbor scammers. Up to each of us to be wise. Though no reason to be paranoid either - just hold on to common sense.


As a male I can say dating sites are shit, I have never and I mean never, had a girl approach me and say 'OH YOU LIKE PHYSICS AND STAR TREK AND MOVIES? LETS TALK!'
Im not sure whether thats because im not particularly attractive, because im not particularily fit, because I am boring to many? (I think this one is a high likilihood) but the fact remains, dating sites are utter crap from my perspective.


I share your feelings of trepidation but I think we can be somewhat circumspect in our dealings. For me, the biggest “fraud,” in my life was a man I thought I knew!!!! Living and learning. Don’t give up.....I have so many friends who have met appropriate people on line.


Umm... it's good to have a healthy amount of paranoia, but I have to point out that Google fortunately does NOT know all. Did you check public records? Property tax records? Do a search on yourself to check what you suggest.


The internet makes it easier for assholes to scam people. I'm on a couple sites where all I do is bust fake accounts. They hate me


Good idea.


It’s rampant, even on non-dating sites like Facebook or Instagram(why my account is private!). A few weeks ago, it happened on Words With Friends—I blocked immediately, as that one was very aggressive.
Good advice, to fact check.

Holy shit, I play words with friends and nobody chats with me. I sent a couple of messages after a particularly good word and didnt even get a response.

I get scammers on Words w Friends too!! I don't ever answer their chats. They usually quit before the game is over if you don't reply to them.

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