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I found this on Facebook...this painting says a Jonathan Harris aka #artyougifted

Robecology 9 Jan 23

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A picture, in this case a painting says a 1000 words.


Absolutely astonishing the number of white men taking displeasure in this.

Next, they'll be up in arms about the alarming number of Negroes in sports....


For gods sake , give the racial narcissism and not very subtle bullying self pity a rest. Try listing the sins of the blacks. You know an intellectual exercise. It might do wonders for you.

For who's sake? LOL!

What is a nonbeliever doing talking about sin?

It's obvious you've given this a lot of thought....

@Toonman .............
colloquialisms are not for morons


How would you know...?


Is it not true that history is written by the victor. Colonial powers wrote the history, conveniently leaving out the history of the vanquished. Such as the elimination of the American Bison in order to solve the "Indian problem". Perhaps the person with the roller is removing the white wash and restoring the history that was unwritten & untaught. I should think less optimistically. Correction & inclusion culture.



But if it reflected YOUR worldview you'd hail it as great art.


What a strong painting. Love it!


Definitely makes a statement. I hope this image is used a lot as a simplistic way to counteract the white washing of American History by those who are against teaching the real history.


Great representation of our American history which seems to be more prevalent now than ever. Especially with those supporting filibuster yet giving lip service to MLK JR


Black history makes white people very uncomfortable. I watched Judas and the Black Messiah and it made me very angry. I wanted to break stuff afterward. What happened to Fred Hampton was wrong. He crossed over to “rebel” whites and Latinos also in dire straits. Poverty crosses over. For that he died. Uncomfortable for me no. Angered? Fuck yeah! That and Free State of Jones should be watched together. Divide and conquer won.

I grew up on Public Enemy who had a great crossover song with Anthrax. But this was better:

Does it make me uncomfortable? No. Pissed off? Fuck yeah!

Fight the Power.

I watched some of those same movies and was angered. Being white myself I get mystified when others try and tell me what blacks do and how they act, etc. One man tried to tell me what my ex-wife liked and it was all stereotype crap. His opinions are horrible and he has spent most of his life in prison. Many people today see only black and white and there are no shades in between.

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