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So what’s the point? The responses I received to my fearing and dreading death seem to boil down to

  1. Everybody does it.

  2. There’s no way to avoid it.

  3. There’s no pain or suffering or any sensation after death.

    I guess the problem is that I can’t accept the universe without me in it. While it is making more and more sense, it is still difficult to wrap my mind around the fact that all of us disappear into nothingness and after a relatively short period of time has passed, it will be like we never existed.

So dare I ask the question:
What’s the point of all this?

Dreamrider 6 Apr 23

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61 comments (26 - 50)

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The question is not answerable. That's why people have made up stories to try to make bearable the fact that we die and that we lose people. Some things seem to big or to awful to comprehend.

MsAl Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

You may have nailed it. Thank you!


We live forever through our children, who have children of there own and so on and so forth.


The point is that no matter how shorts our time is on the universal scale, it's our time. It's a brief spark in an unfathomable span of time, but from our perspective it's all the time there is.

I really don't know what to say to help you come to terms with morality, but to me the time after I'm dead will be as irrelevant as the time before I was born. I've never accepted the idea of eternal life.

Hopefully, I can in some small way leave the world better than I found it. That's the point for me.

JimG Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

He only point to our lives is what we make of them. Our DNA will affect others as long as any descendants exist. In our lives, what we do and say invluences more people than we can ever imagine, particularly if we are educators. I am sure that I have influenced others in more ways than I can count. In turn, what they do and say will influence others, ad infinitum -- so long as the species exists.


I'd like to have a nice pat answer, but I'm as clueless as you are. Plus, I've been an atheist since I started to think, so it's not something you just grow out of. If I ever figure it out, I'll post the answer here.


The point is to live the life you have, while you have it.


The point of all of what, exactly? We exist, we do shit, we make more of us.


I must agree with @Taladad. The universe does not owe us a point. There is no point. The only meaning we have is what meaning we make for ourselves. And there is a good dose of that available. Evolution has produced sentient beings who are capable of loving each other, of feeling awe at the magnificence of the universe, etc.
@AwarenessNow makes a good point about poverty not necessarily producing suffering. But also I would point out that we have plenty of suffering, and who it happens to is "not fair." The universe also does not owe us fairness, or lack of suffering.
I hang my hat on evolution, as the scientific truth that creationists can't accept. I celebrate evolution, because that's what really got us here. However, it was a really depressing time for me when I read and came to appreciate Richard Dawkins explanation of how much evolution depends on suffering. If the latest random adaptation makes one group better able to cope long enough to reproduce, they flourish and the others, without the new gene, become extinct. How do they become extinct? Primarily due to starvation and predation. If the food source is limited and/or predators overwhelm the population, the weak die out because they starve or are eaten.
Natural laws (and sociological laws, when it comes to modern day) work the way they do because they do. Natural laws are not sentient beings who treat us fairly or owe us a point to existence. It seems to me that we sentient beings have a choice: decide to make the best of it or hang our heads all day. Of course there is a third choice: believe in some religious clap-trap that promises us not only meaning, but an afterlife. Not for me. And my sadness when I understood Dawkins explanation was deep and abiding, but I got over it.


So what’s the what’s the point... the point is when I am asleep I have vivid memories and lucid dreams of all I know and all I have experienced. The point is that when I am awake I experience life, joy, anger wonderment, friendship, lust, hunger, ... The point is I can spend hours studying the intricate shape of a mushroom.... the point is I can smell the where your hair has covered the back of your neck and made the skin ever so more moist and fragrant than your open skin..... the point is that there are so many points that coverage together that you sense them as a smooth surface with no points...

Phin Level 6 May 28, 2018

I can’t tell the point but perhaps some can but as the great scientist Carl Sagan said we are the stuff of stars....I some cosmic way we have always been here and always will


Let me know i’d Be fascinated to learn what you discover


You say that when you die that you can't imagine the Universe without you in it. That is an interesting perspective. The way I see it is that when a human dies the Universe ends too, because your connection to it is permanently deleted for all time. So in one way when you die you take it with you.

Look the way I deal with that question is to realise that everything dies from birds to little children men woman all life, so you are not alone. When are planet is eventually consumed by our dying Sun sometime in the distant future, all life that we know of will be wiped out everything and every living being human and animals etc. Don't dwell on or waste time worrying about something that you can't prevent. Enjoy your life. ☺

i think you may have just given her a catastrophic melt down.... ! (just trying to be funny)

Yea..I read it again and...its pretty damn Grimm.. To late to edit it..besides if I removed the facts..there would be nothing there..???

@blueskies the good humor man

@Hitchens i totally agree with your points, jus sayin!

@Hitchens, @Millerski25 haha


I'm sure that as you've grown, other people have influenced you to be who you are today, and like the ripples made by a pebble thrown in the water, the things you do will influence those who come after you. Take comfort in the knowledge that your actions will continue on to those you influence today and tomorrow and next week... I know it may sound corny, but when I least expect it, I get notes or cards from my nieces or friends, or people who have worked with me who tell me that I have influenced their lives in one way or another, and I'm always surprised and grateful.

I think you’ve put a great deal of thought in to you contribution and it’s well conceived and you don’t have to apologize for it just because it’s not fatalistic....nicely put


There is no personal experience we can draw upon where we are not the center of the narrative; this is a tough one.
Louis CK, one said: Of course the is life after death, just not for you.
The hardest lessons of life is that we all simultaneously matter and don't.

Interesting you say that as Freud theorized that every writer always includes some important part of him or her. We as writers are part of the story but rather the story is us. I always think of Tennessee Williams, mine you I’m a Yankee and a Jew but I love his work for exposing us all


This song gives me some comfort.

When I'm Gone
Phil Ochs

There's no place in this world where I'll belong when I'm gone
And I won't know the right from the wrong when I'm gone
And you won't find me singin' on this song when I'm gone
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here
And I won't feel the flowing of the time when I'm gone
All the pleasures of love will not be mine when I'm gone
My pen won't pour out a lyric line when I'm gone
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here
And I won't breathe the bracing air when I'm gone
And I can't even worry 'bout my cares when I'm gone
Won't be asked to do my share when I'm gone
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here
And I won't be running from the rain when I'm gone
And I can't even suffer from the pain when I'm gone
Can't say…

Great selection...Dreamrider


My personal view on this matter is that it boils down to identity, and that identity as a separate entity is an illusion. Are we our bodies? Are we our minds?

No faith is required to know that our perceptions of reality are symbolic only and in no way resemble the real thing. Equally apparent is that consciousness is intimately interwoven with reality somehow.

When we say we want to survive, what we mean (I think) is that we want consciousness to survive. All that distinguishes an individual body is its memory trace. Of what value is that? We forget things all the time.

Conscious awareness, being integral with reality, is immortal by default, and if WE identify as universal consciousness, then WE are immortal. That’s my opinion anyway.

You sound like the second coming of Berkeley


Why does there have to be a point?

GwenC Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

One of the great philosophical questions of all time. I don't really think there is a point. It honestly means nothing. After the people I have affected die, I will have been forgotten. People who leave lasting impressions on society are the only ones to matter to more people longer really. Even then, it means nothing. The only thing that matters is the here and now. There will always be a new something, and we won't be there for it.

We differ that’s a for sure my parents and my kid sister have been dead for some time and I loved them and think of them extremely often and they are assuring pleasant thoughts


I look at death just as I look at a day, and at the end of the day you go to sleep. Just a natural part of the life cycle.

gater Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

Damn I get up ever day and realize I’ve got another day wow.... another day how special not matter how deep the shit gets


there isn't a point. your energy moves on too into plants etc. I see it doesn't bother you the same thing was true all the years before you were born.


There's isn't a point to it - if your consciousness doesn't survive it really doesn't matter how you live your life while you have it because you won't remember it. As I stated before life is a cruel sick joke.

I disagree. While we are conscious we can interact, affect and influence with others. That is all that matters. Enjoy the positivism that being alive brings 🙂


To have an opportunity to feel the senses and enjoy. Use this opportunity. question to you... could you just go and have some fun out there.


It was here before be arrived and it will be here long after our civilization is long gone. What keeps me going is appreciating what little time I've been given and the loved ones around me who enhance my life, and I, them.

In the grand scheme of things, we are one of millions of species who have, and will, occupy this planet. As such I find the most joy in love, sex and food. 🙂


The point is accepting the fact billions have passed away before we were here and will after we are gone. That our time alive as far as we know is a blink of the eye in the grand scheme of things. With that knowledge we should try our best to live a good, happy life and make the best of it with the precious little time we have. ?

I completely agree


Well, that is a philosophy . The universe you accept is your own, personal one. So, when yopu die, it dies with you. Fine. I have no trouble with that. What is your problem?

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