4 21

So I was checking my emails and I saw one with knock, knock in the subject line. So what the heck and I answered who’s there. Turns out it was the Jehovah’s Witness working from home.

Sierra4 8 Feb 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Twice lately I've received hand written letters from them in my home mailbox, rather than my PO box. I feel foolish saying to myself, Oh! mail! Wonder who sent me a letter! Then I open it and feel stupid.

@Sierra4 I have not had a random visitor or even a trick or treater since moving into my condo, but by mail I guess they can get all the home owners by going through the tax records in the community for owner occupied dwellings. (Most condos on my street are vacation rentals, so that's why we don't get solicitors.) Sure seems like a lot of trouble for them to hand write out these long letter and mail them to individuals, but that must be the new way they are reaching out. Agree that email would be easier! Knock knock! Delete.


Costs even less than the really cheap, third rate paper, they print their leaflets on.


Don't laugh. I have received 2 letters thru the USPS. They must be accessing public tax records. They ARE working from home.


Good one! Not far from what happened in my neighborhood during COVID: I started getting short, handwritten letters from them in the mail. Kept themselves busy, I guess …

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