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Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas child welfare agency to investigate gender-affirming care for trans youths as ‘child abuse’

Abbott wrote that the protective services agency “is responsible for protecting children from abuse,” adding in a tweet Tuesday that the agency will “refer for prosecution any such abuse.”

Governor Abbott specified that the reporting requirements applied to “all licensed professionals who have direct contact with children who may be subject to such abuse, including doctors, nurses, and teachers, and provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse.”

In other words if your neighbor or their doctor helps their child even investigate transitioning, the parents WILL be arrested.



LenHazell53 9 Feb 24

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They keep talking about "second amendment remedies", but when confronted with a tyrannical government they do nothing.


"As ye treat the least of these, so are you treating Me"
This concept is All Over the Babble........aaaannd who caused LGBTQetc people to be born?
Burn in the Hell of your own imagination, asshole!!!!!


I thought that we had established Abbott as an Evan-baiting Q fuck. No? If not then let this be a demonstration of why they should vote against him and his Party. I'm not in TX so have no voice there.

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