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Journalist Goes Viral After Speaking Six Languages In Live Report From Ukraine

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Ryo1 8 Feb 28

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And Americans can barely speak English properly.

Hi there. I'm sure that is a statement shared by all nations about their mother tongues. 😉

@Ryo1 Mmmmmmmm no, not Europe.

@puff Thanks for thinking so, but yes Europe included. .

@Ryo1 UK is not Europe and have to disagree. Every European I have met has at least 2 languages under their belt, especially the Swiss

@puff Mooolah said 'Americans can barely speak English properly.', and I took is as language deprivation due to lack of education, home environment, etc. For example, sometimes, students are cautioned by their teaches for using bad language and they can't see what is wrong with it because that is the kind of language they've been growing up with.
Incidentally, the UK is part of Europe... unless you mean the UK is no longer a member of the EU.

@Ryo1 I more meant they are native English speaking, notoriously the worse for not knowing a second language.

@puff Humm... too broad a generalisation to comment.

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