Mummy comes to the rescue yet again.
Evangelidiot now has is vehicle back.
I wondered what the noise was and where it was coming from, went out for look and there is the ONLY 4 X 4 capable vehicle carrying Tow-truck in town OFF-loading Evangelidiot's mud and slime encrusted vehicle in his front yard and Evangelidiot standing, by quiet as a mouse surprise, surprise, armed with garden hose and surrounded by buckets of water, presumably soapy water.
Came back inside to get my camera to take photos for "posterity" but when went back out he had stretched a huge sheet of canvas across the dividing fence.
Bloody Spoil-sport, stopping me from seeing him cleaning his encrusted vehicle.
You'll never be bored as long as he's a neighbor. I wonder if "Mummy" has a limit. How long do you think it will take him to get it all cleaned up?
No wonder he'll never grow up.
100% in agreement there and also wondering if , besides his $2,000 per month allowance that he receives from hi8m mother as regular as clockwork btw, which btw, he once boasted arrives IN $100 notes via registered mail that he MUST sign for BEFORE he gets it, IF, perhaps, she has stowed away a frozen supply of Breast milk for him as well.
@Triphid Somehow, that wouldn't surprise me.