According to a new report by Americans for Tax Fairness, America’s 704 billionaires have gotten $1.7 TRILLION richer over the two years of the pandemic. That’s 57% richer at a time when the average workers’ wages increased by just 2.6% in 2020 and 4.5% in 2021.[1]
[1] “Employment Cost Index -- December 2020,” Jan. 29, 2021 and “Employment Cost Index -- December 2021,” Bureau of Labor Statistics, Jan., 28, 2022
America’s billionaires now own more wealth than the bottom half of Americans―that’s 165 million people.
Once again, when I see information like this, I call our attention to the words of a great Republican:
“I believe in a graduated income tax on big fortunes, and a graduated inheritance tax on big fortunes, properly safeguarded against evasion and increasing rapidly in amount with the size of the estate.”
— Theodore Roosevelt
Did you know that there are more than 20 million millionaires in the US? Meanwhile Americans including children continue to die of poverty.
The reason U.S. billionaires are taxed so low is because conservatives and Republicans protect them and keep voting for tax breaks for the rich. I understand how a crooked politician might vote for this since they are no doubt getting "donations" from these billionaires. What I don't understand is how the lower and middle class conservatives and Republicans seem to always support this as well. Many of them still seem to believe that trickle-down economics is a real thing. I know there are a few conservatives and Republicans on this site so maybe they can explain to me why they support protecting billionaires from being taxed.
Just think of how much good that a trillion dollars could do for the people of this country (the U.S.).
You forgot Mod Dems also supporting tax cut for our Overlords..It passed time to Yeet the Rich and their Spawn..
Don't let them dump their entire fortune into a foundation their family can control for generations.
Everyone should get a $5M tax break over the course of your lifetime for charitable contributions like that. After that, you pay taxes before you fund your foundation.