Aw, the " flying, or should say "falling", Faithfool has been released from the hospital and has returned home about 30 + minutes ago.
on the back of his, imo, empty or nearly empty skull he now bears a lump that would make an humped ox extremely envious, a bandaged left wrist,which he so needed to explain to me, not that I really wanted to know, was sprained during the fall, some heavy bruising to his lower back and buttocks and some other smaller areas of bruising elsewhere as well.
He so kindly informed me that, " I intended to many prayers of thanks to God and Jesus for being at my side while I was semi-conscious, making certain that the ambulance was called to me and remaining by my side until it arrived."
So much for being thanked, yet again, for being first responder and getting him the necessary medical help required.
I am SORELY tempted that should there be, and there may well most likely be, another incident knowing him that I shall defy my urges to adhere to my oath as taken as a nurse and simply let shit lay where it falls.
But, knowing how strong and powerful my conscience, etc, is then I doubt that I will adhere to such a decision any way.
Yes, there is wishful thinking, & then there is the right thing to do.
Why did you not inform him that you are god?
Oh please, why would any sane person want to do that and have a complete Faithfoool idiot think that you are God and worshipping at your feet every second of every hour of every day?
@Betty A quest. Have him go in search for a holey quail.
@Beowulfsfriend That would keep him busy for a while. lol
@Beowulfsfriend Hmm, you have given me a seed of an idea there.
Might just borrow an invention of a good friends, a device that not only alters the voice patterns but seems to 'project' the voice from any specific point/s desired up to 40 feet away from the source.
Used the earlier prototype on Evangelidiot a while back but he seemed to have forgotten his "promise" to the disembodied voice of God that he would go out in to the deserts of Australia and set up a Ministry out there to bring the words of God to all living things in the lands of Australia.
A small but gentle reminder of that 'promise' could well be in order here I think.