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Sen. Schatz exposes Sen. Hawley's lies about foreign policy debacles in
Dept. of Defense and about Trump's extortion attempt to withhold aid to Ukraine.

AnonySchmoose 8 Apr 11

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We’ll done Senator

Am amazed by how much he's driven & active!!!!!

@AnonySchmoose Somebody has to step up

Exactly! You're correct.
More people need to step up:



bobwjr Level 10 Apr 13, 2022

He's been an awesome public servant.


Omg a Dem with a spine..yaaaay!!

Darn sure yay! ... he's really pro-active and progressive about many issues.
He's ready to do the teamwork to just get good changes to happen.

I was thinking the same thing. I lean towards the left on politics, yet I can't deny the right has the bigger balls.

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