4 9

Hmm, I wonder why it is so?

Triphid 9 Apr 13

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Nor as recent as 2000 years ago.

These corpses are from 1700 years ago:


I beg to differ there since they can and have uncovered innumerable mummies in Egypt that date back to more than your mere 2,000 years ago.
Don't believe me then start reading and try getting a hold of a copy of a set of dvds, made by an AMERICAN film crew btw, called " Ancient Egypt," it MAY just open up your eyes and mind.

@Triphid Beg away but we don't differ on this. I only meant that, AFAIK, no graves nor corpses are thought to represent those of new testament figures, whether apostles or women (which was the point of the meme). I listened to a course on Ancient Egypt, so I certainly know that mummified corpses dating back 4000 years have been found. A number of corpses go back even further. I am so honored to know someone whose mind and eyes are open. Perhaps you can fix the Standard Model that's been so troubling of late...

@racocn8 Better people than I have been trying to change things for centuries now and ONLY just has there been a slight change, that change being that NO LONGER is there the notations of A.D. ( Anno Domini) and B.C. ( Before Christ) being legitimately used in history and historical documentation/s slowly but surely the usages of the terms B.C.E. ( Before COMMON Era) and C.E. ( COMMON Era) becoming the norm thankfully.
Ergo, the grip of religions and religious zealotry is being slowly but surely eroded away by sciences and common sense.


Hmmmmmm.....odd that.

Possible and most probable Christfool response, " God and Jesus tok them up to Heaven to be amongst the Heavenly Host.


You can't find what doesn't exist.

Betty Level 8 Apr 13, 2022

It is hard to find remains of mythical people or events. They could not even find King David's palace.

Nor the bones of Goliath either though countless have so claimed to have done and then fallen flat on their faces once the Scientific Tests and evidences come rolling in.
As my Dad used to instil in to me from as far back as I can remember, " There has never been a Kentucky won by a blind, deaf and 3 legged mule and the same goes for religious fables."

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