1 9

And the lies and misconceptions only get worse from there.

glennlab 10 Apr 20

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I remember sitting in catechism, 2nd grade, when the nun was telling this story. I had questions that Sister Mary Michelle didn't know how to answer. I even went to the convent that weekend, knocked on the door, and asked for Sister Mary Michelle, intending to ask her some questions without the other students around. But when she came to the door, she was in street clothes, and it stunned me, so I ran away! Never did get the answers to my questions.

Sometime later, my parents received a letter in the mail, saying I was a "doubting Thomas" and am not welcome back to catechism. Cheehoo! I didn't have to go anymore! I was the only one of my siblings who didn't have to go - never got "confirmed" and all that. Haha!

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