Trump also engaged in apophasis quite a bit:
Oh yeah, he's always saying "I won't mention any names," right before he mentions names.
And it works!--and linked to the lying is the constant projection, whether it be about Russian/Ukrainian election meddling, sexual harassment, or even pedophilia or his "a lot of people don't know" speech pattern. There's even a 2017 Atlantic article about it, and of course, many more examples could be added during the remaining two and a half years of his tenure. []
There’s a bit of the liar’s paradox in what Trump says in the cartoon. If he always lies about everything, should we trust that revelatory statement too?
Exactly. So what does average Joe do? He says "fuck it," throws up his hands, pops another cold one, sits back and enjoys the show. Or, if he's feeling energetic, he might even put some flags on his pickup, or join a militia, or answer the call to strom the Capitol...
Trump and Biden are both pathological liars.
The question for rational people was:
Do I want to elect a pathological liar with Trump's policies?
Do I want to elect a pathological liar with Biden's policies?
We can all see how Biden's policies have turned out:
8.5% inflation
$4.30 gasoline
First of all, Biden did not cause this inflation. It is due to fiscal policy going back decades. Trump's big tax giveaway to the rich did way more to blow up the deficit than Biden ever did. And then there was the Iraq War, totally unnecessary, costing trillions, started as a matter of choice, on false pretenses, by another Republican president.
Second, I happen to agree with Biden's policies. Climate change is an existential threat not only to our country, but to all human civilization. Gas prices have been subsidized for way too long. Let fossil fuels compete on a level playing field with green energy, and we will see a cleaner, safer, more productive, more prosperous future. Stick with the status quo, and we descend into a dystopian maelstrom of climate disaster and war over dwindling resources.
In the video, Mehdi Hasan painstakingly details half a dozen lies or half-truths that Biden has uttered in half a century in public office. Then at the very end of the clip, Hasan mentions the forty thousand-plus lies Trump told in only four years. To you, 6 lies in 50 years might be equivalent to 40,000 lies in 4 years, but not to me. You (and Hasan) display a total failure to appreciate a huge difference in scale.
Your apparent lack of any sense of proportion is also reflected in your blindness to differences in the type of lie. Inflating one's academic achievements is rather workaday....not good, but not really destructive to the country. However, Trump's Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen threatens to tear the country apart. HUGE difference.
I think this fits. One example is his wall which is a talking point that gets lots of attention. Parts of the wall would have to be on peoples land and other parts in Mexico. Nobody gets this. I work with a man who says we should continue to build Trump's wall.
Right! Remember when Mexico was going to pay for the wall? What happened to that? Poof! And then Steve Bannon collected millions from supporters for a fund to build the wall, STOLE THE MONEY FOR HIMSELF, was convicted of fraud, and WAS PARDONED BY TRUMP, and now fulminates against the United States full time. How is this in any way acceptable? Only in a world where there is no such thing as truth.
The wall is just a talking point, a not-so-subtle dog whistle, clearly audible to disgruntled white folks, that gins up fear around the Great Replacement Theory, which itself rests on a set of mythical propositions.