Ideas for kiling spiders from a distance please! Hair spray works but is messy.
Airsoft gun.
A long stick with an eraser on the end.
A flamethrower.
I shot the snake that lives by my front door with plastic bb's, he was reeallly angry! About a month later I found his shed skin almost as if he left it to prove I would need to do more to make him leave his home.
I have tons of these in the yard! When I go out at night with the dog, my flashlight shows sapphire blue light reflecting from their eyes. I didn’t know what they were until I looked them up online.
That might cause me to switch to night vision goggles!
@MizJ I just stay out of the grass as much as I can. You don’t need night vision goggles to see them. Those blue eyes shine like headlights when the flashlight hits them.
@Barnie2years That's why I would prefer the goggles to a flashlight, I don't want to see those eyeballs glowing!
In the house I use bug glue traps at various locations. I get quite a few, not to mention centipedes and ants.
This site indicates that squashing a wolf spider is a very bad idea.
That actually happened to me once, fortunately a friend was here and took care of it. A trluy disgusting moment!
That works for the regular ones, need a longer handle for the wolfies, they are super fast and extra creepy.
@MizJ tape a dowel to the handle of a regular flyswatter....use a third piece spanning the 2 for strength. Use good duct tape, wrap tightly.
The extra length will also add momentum, i.e. kill power.
@AnneWimsey The cat should be taking care of them, she likes the lizards and frogs.
buy a can of wasp spray. that shit shoots for yards!!!