4 8

More Than 1 Million
#Covid Deaths In #America

HankHunter13 7 Apr 28

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And I have yet to see one single headline about this milestone. Not. One.


I wouldn't be surprised to find out America was a victim of a targeted biological test/attack coming from China. Or our numbers are exaggerated to a high degree.

Tejas Level 8 Apr 28, 2022

Yes, why not start yet another baseless conspiracy rumor instead of facing up to the fact that our quasi-religious Fools, egged on by trumpian Repugs, are to blame.......

Ok Q.

@AnneWimsey yes, America didn't any conspiracy from abroad to shoot itself in the foot, virus-response speaking.

@AnneWimsey I don't think it's a baseless conspiracy, just an idea that may or may not hold merit. People say it was released from a lab in China, and considering we appear to be hit the hardest. Even more so than India, a neighboring country to China and a far greater population density. Not to mention the extreme poor hygiene and poor medical care there. Seems a little suspicious to me. You can continue to live without critical thinking though.

@Tejas, in your case that ship Sailed several decades ago....jumping immediately into "conspiracy theory" is the epitome of NOT thinking, or haven't you heard.....

@AnneWimsey I don't think you're qualified to make that judgment. For you know nothing about me. Lol several decades ago? You saying little ten year old me running around making up conspiracies? That's funny. Funny thing about conspiracy theories, some of them are true. Or haven't you heard?


No info. on China. I wonder what that would be.

Under 5000 deaths for a population of 1.5 billion. You were saying?



@LovinLarge China is telling a huge lie. No Doubt.

@HankHunter13 For me, there is always doubt until something is proven. The number does seem low but perhaps they just handled the outbreak better, just like we could have done.


Shocking indictment on modern America, it's politics, but more importantly its culture of toxic individualism.

It's tragic. It's criminal. And, I fear nothing will change. Biden is already being blamed for kids missing school, and women who had to stay home from work. Once again, Republicans sabotage America, so their donors get even richer, and Democrats, the middle class, working class, and poor people will pay the price.

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