Would you consider being a pen pal (or more) with a prisoner?
Maybe. It would depend on the crime they committed, and where they are located.
Pen pal? online or snail mail? and it does depend on what you're in for. I have a younger brother who was imprisoned for 5 years because of a gambling issue. He committed robberies to keep his wife finding out about it. I would consider if online, but need more information re your issue.
It's called voyourism. If that's what you are into, fair enough. No judgement here. ?
Don't, I had a good friend that was in prison and he had someone else write to me. He dictates a letter to another prisoner, with my home address. It got pretty fucking ugly between the two of us, I felt like I had to move my girlfriend and kids out of our house.
I had a po box for it...never your home addtess
Dont do it....
I did when I heard about the prison ashram project..they would send books free..alternative to Christian outreach.. one of my favorite documentaries is "The Dharma brothers" very moving...but I am a social worker and just like to get to know a diverse group of people.