I'm amazed when the "Believers" come up with their "correct" political beliefs.
I've no idea where they get their ideas.
I don't know if their religious "leader" gives them to them, or they get them somewhere in the Internet. Having a degree in History, a quite a few Political Science classes..
. I'm throughly amazed how un-American their ideas are, and how anti-Constitution they are.
And when you try to explain to them the correct meaning or reasons behind such things, they just simply do not believe you.
Even if you show them documentation.
What is your take on this?
You are talking about religious people thinking they have the "correct" political beliefs, but I want to go farther and say this:
When I was in grad school and heard a fellow activist refer to something as being--or not being--"politically correct", I thought he must be joking till I noticed the dead-serious look on his face!
Imagine that anyone with any understanding of history or politics could be so simple-minded as to think that our understanding of politics can be reduced to a kind of calculus! First, there are unknown causes; second, even with known causes, science and mathematics are usually incapable of giving very certain predictions to any but a few variables of a system as complex as human society*; and third, even if we we had a complete knowledge of the causes and complete ability to predict, what values would we try to advance in our actions?
*There are some conserved quantities, such as energy or angular momentum, and there may be empirical laws or trends which are useful besides those originating from physics.
I believe they feel they got theirs so why care about anyone else, especially since they are A) of the mindset that if you are poor, sick, unemployed you did something to deserve it and God is punishing you and B) if you were a true Christian God would reward you with all the income and good health you need.
Can you be a bit more specific? which ideas are you trying to explain? Which ideas do they espouse? You wrote a whole paragraph about nothing. All I garnered is that you have a degree in history with some stress on political science. Let me ask - are you just regergitating the opinions of your professors?
Fox News is Trump's ally. Faux News.
They are all propaganda machines. It seems that you believe the fake news that the other networks spew. How gullible of you.
Regardless of who gets elected they often say "It's God's Will, so the right candidate won"
For that reason alone I can't wait for the day when we are "truly" a secular nation. ATM the words put down on (hemp) paper mean nothing to the Christians as I seriously doubt they have even read anything other than that precious second amendment ( and they didnt read it thoroughly either) as they keep telling all of us that America was founded as a Christian Nation! I call Bull Shit on that. Too many of our founding fathers had a real disdain for religions controlling ways and for religion itself.
Most people are highly susceptible to influence by others. That's why a pastor and his congregation are referred to a shepherd and his flock. It works for politics the same way it works for religion. Rush Limbaugh has his "dittoheads". There are similar people who follow Mark Levin, Rachael Maddow, etc.
Most Evangelicals in America get their ideas both from their bible and from the preacher. Some go to church 3 times a week and hear this preacher telling them exactly how it is. This guy doesn't even know his bible, let alone know anything at all about documents of our government.
With everything going on there is a new store in my small town right now. They claim to be based on the 2nd Amendment and appear to want you to buy guns and flags. You can do what you want to but I don't see anything here that is based upon reason. Just more Trump supporters that want to worship his ass. As for me, I only have 1 gun and I have no desire to fly an American flag. Maybe I don't see much Patriotism going on here.
I don't know why you would be amazed, that is why they are called believers. They have the faith (in whatever the fuck they want to believe in) and objective evidence can be rejected because their mother and the preacher told them so. When I was presented with the idea of intersubjective belief I gained a better understanding of human nature. This and his follow up Homo Deus made me a believer: [goodreads.com]
We have a lot of christian radio here in SE OHIO and west virginia and the things I hear on the radio are mind dropping? Did you know that the Jews killed Jesus? I'll be damned if that is not what I heard last fall on a small station. I emailed a friend who is Jewish and he said that it is common. It is almost as if those christians want to hate and are not happy unless they are.
I mean, technically speaking, and also assuming that biblical account is accurate (which is assuming quite a bit, admittedly), the Israelites or Palestinians (depending on whether you're using the traditional or Roman terminology) are in fact the ones that ordered Jesus' death after Pontious Pilate passed the decision onto the local lawmaking body. Jussayin, you want to know where they get their ideas, and that's where.
Well, as far as my parents are concerned, Fox News is the bearer of the Ark of the Political Covenant. It's on 24/7 at their tabernacle.