Predisposed? How so? (You mean stupid?)
Already inclined, easy to give in, ready to give in, willing to accept. Based on what I have seen in people close to me, all this means is 'vulnerable'. Some adults cannot emotionally manage themselves. They need an emotional walking stick. Who is better than all powerful, all giving and all kind and free god?
I have seen these people further impressed and humbled by the pitch by places of worship... "You don't need to pay anything, we do not expect anything from you, God's love and blessings' are unlimited and free. Only give what you want and can afford."
It seems that every personality trait has a genetic component, which is then either positively or negatively effected by their experience, environment, social circle, perhaps even epigenetically.
I was highly inquisitive as a child. My highly disfunctional childhood taught me to not trust much of anything. My ability to learn allowed me build my knowledge of the real world. This all laid the groundwork for my being an Atheist. Take away one part, and perhaps I would have been a Priest...or a criminal. I was on both paths at different times.
That sounds about right. The term of art is "confirmation bias."