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That crazy finicky god.....

JonnaBononna 7 June 5

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I’ve never said that god would protect me from the flu with media buzz.


For Christian nationalists, being anti-"socialist" things like public health mandates (because they supposedly threaten our freedom), and pro-gun (because they supposedly ensure all our other freedoms) are tribal markers. And people are more afraid of being shunned by their in-group than they are of dying from either covid or gunshots. And they don't really think deeply about any of this stuff. They are already programmed to take things on faith.


Becuz they're faithin' and hopin' and you what question them, your just a HEATHEN, and y'all goin' to HELL!

Let's hope so. Heaven would boring as fuck


You may enjoy the book: The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--and Reality by Chris Mooney

The Republican Brain takes a different tack and reviews modern psychology and neuroscience for why people tend to think and act as they do.

Thanks for the book recommendation. Sounds interesting.

Read it a few years back. Very well reasoned.


I have several ARs that have never harmed anyone.

And yet the possibility lingers.

How so?

Everybody is a law-abiding citizen... until they aren't.

So you’re destined to be a drunk driver?
You should shred your drivers license

@CourtJester The statement needs no explanation.

The statement is pure ignorance

@CourtJester You are ignorant if you think so.

@Deb57 It is so funny that CourtJester doesn't even know the difference between "possibility" and "destined". Actually,, it's very sad.

@nogod4me you are so right. Sad is what it is.

If everyone is a law abiding citizen until they aren’t and the possibility lingers; you should be in jail because you could possibly steal my AR’s and break the law.
Is that how that works???

@CourtJester you know damn well that's not how it works, but it still blows a big, gaping, exit-wound sized hole in your "law abiding citizen" argument.

You should turn your self into the police over the crimes you’re libel to commit down the road.

@CourtJester I can guarantee that I won't shoot anybody with an AR-15. Can you?

For an unjustified reason; I can absolutely guarantee it. If someone breaks into my home or some nut job does something requiring protection; all bets are off.

@CourtJester I can easily say the same thing, without owning a gun.

But you are reliant on a phone call and waiting 15 minutes for others with guns to protect yourself if ever needed.
Good luck

@CourtJester if you think so, it would be a huge mistake to break into my home while I'm in it. Firearms are for sissies.

Haha. Sure

@CourtJester FA&FO

Girly screams wouldn’t help

@CourtJester I don't know how to "girly scream." Perhaps a pro like you could demonstrate?


Lol, now you're just trying to make sense of their delusional way of thinking. Good luck with that. They are two-faced, talking out the side of their mouths fools who won't think for themselves. They are sheep waiting to be heard to slaughter. Laughing and dancing all the way, sad.


God helps them as helps themselves
God help them as helps themselves to my stuff

Yorkshire proverb


This involves 2 fears of different types without logic enough to see them.


It makes them feel superior, powerful and in control.

Betty Level 8 June 5, 2022

Has something to do with membership.

That too.

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