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Do you like to travel?

giiji 2 June 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Hi. I want to raise a very interesting and relevant topic. If you want to buy travel insurance then here is a link to the best website []. They have the best terms and prices. I travel a lot and go to them regularly. Worth considering.

Dssaq Level 2 June 12, 2022

Been a traveller all my life.
Very few people who have travelled do not wish to repeat the experience, so this question is questionable.


Welcome to the site. I used to love to travel & did it much in my time. Hitch hiking was relatively safe at one time, then it wasn't. 48 states. 25 National parks. 8 countries.


Yes. My problem is that I travel so much better by myself. I love my lady, but she insists on taking her work with her. How to work around that? And after 2+ years of Covid, I've found ways to be very busy and it's hard for me to break away too.


What is the question?

giiji Level 2 June 8, 2022
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