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Civil trial jurors have found that Bill Cosby sexually abused a 16-year-old girl at the Playboy Mansion in 1975.

The Los Angeles County jury delivered the verdict Tuesday in favor of Judy Huth, who is now 64, and awarded her $500,000.

The jury's decision is a major legal defeat for the 84-year-old Cosby. It comes nearly a year after his Pennsylvania criminal conviction for sexual assault was thrown out and he was freed from prison. Cosby did not attend the Los Angeles trial. He has repeatedly denied Huth's allegations that he forced her to perform a sex act at the mansion.-

SpikeTalon 9 June 21

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To bad it took so long for Justice to happen.


This putrid animal got away with to much for to long .


I am tired of this degenerate scumbag the constant smug look on his ugly face and the idiots that still admire him


He should have went to jail for this when the assault occurred

juli15 Level 7 June 22, 2022

His fans continue to stand up for him regardless of his abusive history because his complexion is his protection.


I hope more woman continue to sue this disgusting pos.


It’s hard to believe but there are still a lot of people in the black community that think this SOB is still innocent of everything he has been charged with past and present as evidenced on social media etc.But what do you expect from these same type of racist punks who still think O.J. Simpson was innocent .And some of the ones that realized he was guilty still wanted him to beat the rap anyway .The same situation with the dirtbag Cosby.

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