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What the restaurant was doing was totally legal. And yet, DeSantis wants to revoke their liquor license? At least DeSantis is being true to his homeland.

Stupid Floridian.

DeSantis, citing a 1947 law on crossdressing, seeks to revoke a restaurant's liquor license after a video surfaced of children attending a drag brunch


Dyl1983 8 July 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Projecting much there fat ronnie?


DeSantis is a fascist pig.

Yeah, but that's his brand, that's what he's going for.

& many Rethugs will see him as a viable alternative to tRump in 2024...

@phxbillcee Oh I think the republican presidential nomination is his to lose. But he swings a heavy bat pretty indiscriminately, and that can piss off a lot of people fast, even those who now think he is up there with sliced bread and chocolate ice cream.

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