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I have so much to do and don't feel like doing any of it. Anyone else with me?

bettyboop_1967 5 Apr 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I seldom "feel like" doing anythign th tactually needs to be done. I do ti anyway... because ti needs to be done.


I've been there several times, I just slap myself upside the head and make myself DO.


Sometimes and other times I have loads I want to do.


Miserable overcast wet day here, but still so busy.


As a matter of fact..... Saturday night and I have decided to stay home to do nothing. Yup, feeling meehhh....


Yes, totally. But I made a To Do list for tomorrow.


I'm with ya!


Only on rainy days. Today I put in five hours working in the backyard.

ebdb Level 7 Apr 28, 2018

This weekend is looking like that for me too.


I'm in totes agreement!


If I don't make a list, nothing gets done, except for the book I;m reading!

BillF Level 7 Apr 28, 2018

In that case, reading the book is all that matters! 🙂

Also, I have lists. I mostly just ignore them.


I can help you not do it. lol. I am not doing it now.Hope it helps.


It’s chronic with me. I just hate knowing I ‘have’ to do something!

Oh, good, I'm not the only one with this debilitating chronic condition!

Me, too!


Absolutely. I should have cleaned my house today, but instead I went to see the Avengers. I could still get up and clean, but I just don't feel like it.

I finally got up and cleaned my kitchen. So, I have that.

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