Florida's governor sends 2 planes full of Venezuelan immigrants to Massachusetts, . . . To what end ? To thumb his nose at Biden ? At Massachusetts sanctuary laws ? Did he even ask these men and women if they wanted to go to Massachusetts??? Treating them like so much trash. And using our taxes to do so. DeSantis is just another baby banging on his highchair. A wannabe dictator.
And Texass is starting to send large number of immigrants to NY. This is what happens when one becomes a place of sanctuary. The immigration policy in this country is seriously flawed and the extremists conservatives and liberals are at fault for keeping it that way.
US is moving towards being like Venezuela. It would be good, not to fall into the same trap and study them instead. Butt that would be too smart.
I hear many Venezuelans are antivaxxers. I guess we all should get our vaccines.
Not much less vaccinated than the US and still half the Americans caught covid.
They are not touching my healthy immune system with their lethal injection. Can't stop them from killing the majority covid deaths that are obese or pass life expectancy.
I'm sure, it's the greedy bastard globalist both ways coming for our pensions and their depopulation program.