10 6

How do all the pro vaccine takers reconcile the fact that doctors and scientists who have merit ,prestige and the knowledge to know better than them, that they say the injections are harmful?

It's not just a few , there's a huge list of many signed the Barrington declaration,which most haven't heard of

People who helped invent advanced medical technology , Kary Mullis, Robert Malone.. nobel prize winners ,can't recall the names,one is French .. then have microbiologists who won multiple awards.. and, Vanderbosshe a vaccine maker.. so many people with merit who have saved lives , Doctor McCullough..

So many people with merit prestigious people...

And the people who are saying the vaccines are good ,who are they ? Do they have as much merit? I haven't seen any of them that have as great of a resume as those against it ..

Kary Mullis,who invented the pcr test ,Said fauci was an administrator and an idiot that didn't know anything about science ..

These people won't debate. Have you noticed that ? All they do is throw insults.. Kary Mullis tried to debate as did Robert Malone and others but none will challenge them.

And so many people think they are following the best and brightest people .. while a lot of them are known to of hung out with Jeffery Epstein... The scientists at Harvard.... He went there 80 times after conviction.. he was allowed to be at Harvard after conviction of hurting children

Bill gates admitted it on camera to meeting him after conviction.. but yeah he also doesn't matter cause he's dead now ...

He was just trying to get money from Jeffrey to help the children.... Uh huh...

laidback1 6 Oct 3

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This is a ridiculous argument. You have posted this in the wrong group. This group is about science.

If you persist in this conspiracy theory bullshit, you will find yourself blocked by so many people that your post will be seen by no one.

Pedophile enabler

Plenty was mentioned about science.. love how you ignore doctor McCullough,and Doctor Robert Malone , and Vanderbosshe ,so many more ... Scientists... Who have merit .. as you fucking just spout and pretend they aren't worth talking about

You sick pedophile enabler

You know the excuse of you people claiming qanaon your rational for dismissing pedophilia is wearing the fuck off .. everyone knows Jeffery Epstein is fucking real .. you fuckers pretend it's all fucking good because qanaon.. fuck you

Children are being hurt because of the ignorance you choose to engage with

Fuck you pedophile enabler

Funny how these scientists implore to be debated by Thier peers but they keep getting denied.. why ? They have no excuse ,these scientists have just as much merit if not more .. you have no fucking excuse

@laidback1 triggered much?

@BitFlipper keep using excuses to cover up for maps,that make you feel better that term map? That's a nice soft word for child like it apparently...

WTF is wrong with you

@BitFlipper again love how you ignored the actual science discussed.. the scientists who have merit who have been denied just ignore them as if they don't matter ... Yet they're highly educated,and have more accomplishments than those for it .. who the fuck are you

@BitFlipper the obvious I try to point out if there's two groups of scientists and One group won't debate the other ,avd the other has just as high of education and merit and on average more accomplished.. and on top of all that , Jeffrey Epstein is known to hang out with those who are for it ,in that group of adequate neardowells and a handful of those with merits ,it's mostly TV talking heads .. where are Ghislaine Maxwell's clients? She just trafficked children to no one ?

As the other group is not connected to Jeffery Epstein and are just as educated if not more and are more accomplished..

But the news media has been siding the adequate neardowells and silencing the accomplished

@laidback1 I don't need to read the same Junk Science over and over, it never changes. Conspiracy Theorists always think they have discovered something new, but they haven't.

@BitFlipper I see @laidback1 as being triggered hugely.

@anglophone fuck you pedophile are so sick

@anglophone, @BitFlipper again you're a pedophile enabler.. fuck you

@anglophone irrelevant piece of shit

@BitFlipper fucking hate you

@BitFlipper, @anglophone everyone Fucking hates you who are awake ,we fucking despise you ,the Future generations are going to look at you worse than the Nazis

@BitFlipper, @anglophone you are the reason for all the pain and misery... You got Nurses fired,some killed themselves.. you don't care.
You pieces of fucking shit

@BitFlipper, @anglophone you were informed of Jeffery Epstein, and you decided to make fun of it ... Fucking hatred of you is searing

@BitFlipper, @anglophone gee you think children getting raped and people ignoring it shouldn't bother anyone..think it's funny it triggering
.. fucking hate you hate you

Fuck you

If there's a violent civil war ... You're a Major cause of it... Ignoring Jeffery Epstein, ignoring new information.. pretending you know it all .. letting children get hurt . Making fun of it ...

@laidback1 []


So Ghislaine Maxwell trafficked children to who ? Oh that's right.. they were ghosts... Where'd Jeffery Epstein's clients?? Where Thier convictions? Guess they did everything they were told to do. ..

I do wish hard Justice will come.. and it just might finally...

It's hard to believe that this can go on much longer,even with so many still not aware..

I'm feeling optimistic..


You certainly are confused.....Word Salad hardly begins to describe it.

My childhood vaccines have mostly worn off ,so I'm more lucid then yourself.. I could try harder to write better ,but I really like just going for it ,and just let go .. I'm not writing a book and having to be the editor of the book


I have no time for any malevolent prick who chooses to risk other people's lives by willfully spreading misinformation.


12,75 billion doses of the Covid vaccine have been given to 68% of the world's population. There have been about 6.5 million deaths from Covid or from complications brought on by Covid. There have been about 1000 deaths that were caused by the Covid vaccine.

I'm not good at math but I think 6.5 million is a bigger number than 1000.

That sums it up in a nutshell. Try convincing BDair and a few other vaccsceptics though, and you’ll find you’ve got a much harder job on your hands than understanding the quite simple maths! Death figures for those who are unvaccinated versus death figures for those who’ve been vaccinated or deaths from being vaccinated show a huge disparity, in favour of taking the vaccine and booster jabs.

"Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. More than 619 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 28, 2022. During this time, VAERS received 16,727 preliminary reports of death (0.0027%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine."

I recall seeing that VAERS reported from placebo was above 30%, indicating the numbers are imprecise. (not to argue, but 16727 is somewhat more than 1000 deaths.)


Why does vaers say much different numbers.. where are you getting your numbers from..

@racocn8 I was thinking about vaers and thought it was 16k.. I was actually questioning myself... Which is a good thing... It's too bad more don't think to do the same,when faced with new information.. see if it's true or not .. he just pulled that out of thin air.. or whatever talking head told him that.that he trusts his information field with ..


Again, too many look to others (often of their own choosing) rather than understand the situation and how things have changed for the better since all vaccines have been created. Throughout history vaccines have made our species the invasive and toxic one it is. Please, no crap about how this one is 'different.'

Okay fella,you enjoy thinking you're more intelligent than prestigious people who actually saved lives with their education.. enjoy that fantasy


Fox or worse horse shit. (The usual fire hose of misinformation and lies)


Oh please…I thought this site was one where we prided ourselves in using critical thought and not falling into the trap of believing and circulating this sort of antivacc claptrap. Throwing a few names who dissent from their peer group of scientists and ignoring the vast body of scientific evidence that the vaccines are not just saving lives but are essential if we want to control this pandemic instead of allowing it to control us, is a risible attempt to prove a lie. Without the pioneers of vaccination in the early 20th century, it’s doubtful you or I would be having this conversation today, and not only do we understand more about how vaccines work a century later, we now have the know how to manufacture and test them quickly when a pandemic like we have just experienced breaks out. This is a boon to humanity not a curse…unless you buy into the ridiculous worldwide conspiracy theory agenda that nobody can actually satisfactorily explain. What exactly is the objective of almost the entire worldwide scientific community and governments globally to go along with this giant alleged conspiracy?

As for throwing Epstein into the mix..well of course all conspiracies are much the same as all the others…so let’s just lob him in there for good measure to muddy the waters…pathetic!

"Oh please…I thought this site was one where we prided ourselves in using critical thought"
Critical thinking requires objectivly considering both sides of an issue. There are many research papers and extensive studies that show that the 'vaccines' are not safe nor efficacious.' They have been proven to not prevent infection or transmission and the fact that people are still testing positive after two jabs and two boosters indicates to me that they are not working.

@BDair You are still unable to grasp how vaccines work…nobody has ever claimed that they make you immune from catching the virus…but that it slows transmission in the population and gives immunity from the consequences of serious illness and death. Go and read up on the subject of immunology and stop with the conspiracy that the vaccine is more dangerous than the virus, because it isn’t.

The Covid vaccines were never proven to prevent serious illness or death, that was never an end point of their trials. More and more the research is proving that the benefit of the vaccines does not outweigh the risk of an adverse event. There has never been a proven effective mRNA based vaccine, and the current two have failed.

Definition of Terms
Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.

Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.

Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.

A vaccine is a biological product that generates acquired immunity to certain infectious diseases.

Vaccines produce this protective mechanism by effectively training the immune system to both recognize and fight pathogens.

For the immune system to achieve this, vaccines are made from either dead, weakened or subunit forms of an organism that contain antigens which should not be able to cause disease.

Give this a watch, if Youtube does not take it down.

Jeffrey Epstein is what made it happen,it's funny what blackmailing people can do .. especially when the black mail involves.. well we all know ...

You do know the milgram experiments on power ,where most people obeyed the Superior...making people think they even killed people in either that experiment or one similar .. If I recall correctly..

So .. yeah psychology it's possible...

Especially when there's black mail on those who are in power...

And money is good motivation for many ..


People still believe the Vaccine Apologist Dogma even when their patron saint Fauci told them that there was no reason to wear a mask after you were vaccinated before he said the vaccinated should wear a mask indoors because they carry just as much virus in their nasal pharynx as the unvaccinated. Then they willingly took two more injections of an experimental biologic after the first two failed to provide any protection. Now people are lining up for a fifth injection with a medical product that was only tested unsuccessfully on eight mice, and there exists no safety and efficacy data from human trials. This is insanity personified.

BDair Level 8 Oct 3, 2022

I doubt you know the first thing about any of this but are forwarding a viral message. At least this time Kary Mullis’ name is spelled correctly. He also didn’t think HIV causes AIDS and believed a talking glowing raccoon visited him from outer space. Just because he got a Nobel for PCR doesn’t grant authority to opine on areas outside his expertise.

The Great Barrington declaration basically said to let it rip and the herd immunity from people getting sick would save us. Though not explicit, it sounds more Malthusian in sentiment versus the more protective public health stance of the CDC and other professionals.

Adding Epstein’s name into the mix is a typical QAnon conspiracy move, guilt by association.

Epstein is a fact to equate it with qanon ? Because that's one thing they said? And everything they Said is bullshit yet Jeffery Epstein is not bulshit

And Mullis was still a genius even if he had some mental problems that were harmless.. unlike fuci,he tortured dogs..

And the great Barrington declaration wanted the vurnarable to stay at home and be protected..

So you're insane to make everyone suffer for no reason other than fear that's not warranted.. that was stoked by people who fucking rape children as you pretend they're fucking qanaon controlled opposition is some fucking fantasy you can use to believe Jeffery Epstein isn't fucking real

But he is fucking real

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