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An Ohio man was arrested for writing a Satirical piece about his local police on Facebook. The police charged him with using a computer to disrupt police functions. He spent 4 days in jail and went to court. The jury found him not guilty. The man tried to sue over his civil rights. Two courts, citing police partial protected immunity dismissed his suit. He is appealing to the Supreme Court. He now has help. The Onion has filed an amicus brief in his favor as well.


Beowulfsfriend 9 Oct 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I have found that, in their own satirical way, The Onion speaks more truth about how things really are, thru jest, than the vast majority of politicians, and certainly than the corporate media. who are supposedly telling the truth and being serious about the news.

Yes they often do.


I'd say he has no chance at all with the current US Supreme Court, who openly love fascism..


Glob bless The Onion. They are truly doing the lord's work.


This is what fascism looks like.


I heard about this case. It's outrageous. The police are guilty of false imprisonment. All those responsible should be fired and barred from ever putting on a badge in any jurisdiction.


Freedom of speech is not so free is it.

Betty Level 8 Oct 5, 2022

It's only as free as the people in power, and those with badges that enforce their power, choose to make it.


The police need to buy a sense of humor. This merely proves what we all already know, that most cops are bullies with a badge, and get off on having power over others. So it's no surprise to me that they couldn''t take a joke, so they went after this guy hard.


Kind of tired of police getting away with their b.s.


Let's see if SCOTUS is willing to take away our Freedom of Speech too.

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