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Alex Jones is innocent

He never encouraged people to harass the parents

How an individual responds to information is up to that individual..

Now if he had said to harrass the parents then he would have some culpability..

The Rwanda genocide was stoked by radio ,by hate speech ... People calling for violence..

All Alex Jones had done was question,he didn't invite or incite anyone to harrass the parehts..

I saw there was video footage of a person of interest running in the woods..and the news media just ignored it .. all the things that happened in that case that was fishy was shut down and they used the trauma of that event to shut people down from asking questions..

Connecticut is a dark place with very questionable people in power

I could go on and on about that . How when I was in 7ty grade I was given a picture book reading test,placed in 3rd grade,I demanded a real test and I was in tenth grade..

So much I could go on about..

The Black robe freaks that I saw walking around in the middle of the night in a town called gaylordsville

8 suicide attempts by teenage girls from the town I was born in ,all in a month ...

There's something seriously wrong with Connecticut

laidback1 6 Oct 10

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Il son idiot! Another Trumpus Stupidae to block!


"Alex Jones is innocent"

Since the lawsuits he faces are CIVIL trials, innocence/guilt does not apply. 😛


According to your logic, Charles Manson was innocent too. Why are you here? Oh I know - to waste space, time, and air.

Are you retarded? Charles Manson told people to kill other people.. how the fuck can you compare? All you care about is being right and staying in the in crowd.. you're fucking pathetic

@laidback1 Is that all ya got? 😀 😀 😀 It's about people who influence others to do awful things, and then sit back and say that they did it of their own free will.

According to your logic Obama and the rest of the presidents who ordered death and started wars ,they're all innocent.. but everyone who calls them out .. they're all quilty.. right??

@Organist1 how did he influence them to do awful things? Because he spoke what he thought was true ? Because we live in a world full of lies and deception? And he dared to question? So no one can know anything, because someone might do something bad ? You mean like start a war ?

@Organist1 no one should be allowed to question anything because someone might get hurt ?

So you're saying that ,shouldn't tell a father that his daughter was just raped ? Because he might kill the guy ? And if it was not true .. wow .. then big trouble right for the person who thought it happened? Really now ?

@laidback1 Duh....


Alex Jones is a liar and incited brain-dead morons to threaten and to kill the parents of the slaughtered Sandy Hook children. He was fully aware of what he was doing, he may claim stupidity, but he is NOT INNOCENT.

Prove it ... That's right you can't .. you can only go after him civilly..

@laidback1 Jones actually admitted that he lied.

@nogod4me The guy is lead poisoned from the supplements he got from Jones. He, also, doesn't seem to understand that lying, unless done in court, isn't a criminal offense and thus civil trials are used.

@Beowulfsfriend Jones admitted that he lied about the children that were slaughtered at Sandy Hook and caused his followers to harass and send death threats to their parents.

Jones is a piece of shit and those that defend him suck his ass and eat his shit.

@nogod4me Totally agree with you.

@Beowulfsfriend It is funny when people like this person who posted this blathering crap think they are actully helping Jones. And it is very telling about their character.

@nogod4me prove it

@laidback1 It is blatantly evident, only cult believers in denial refuse to see it, and that is on you.

@laidback1 You write like a child with no coherent thought. You expect people to believe you without evidence and even contrary to evidence. You sound like a conspiracy theorist. Your post is actually cringeworthy.

Alex Jones wanted people to believe he was a victim and had to finally concede to the fact that he is guilty and everyone knew it. Jones cannot have it both ways, saying that: "He blamed corporate media for MISPORTRAYING (sic) him and his comments and complained that Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign targeted him for PORTRAYING the elementary school shooting as a hoax."

"Lawyers for Alex Jones turned over evidence that contradicted his testimony"

"After years of telling his followers the Sandy Hook school shooting was staged, Jones admitted on the stand that the massacre was real. He is being sued in Austin by parents of one of the shooting’s victims."

"Heslin and Lewis are suing Jones for $150 million for telling listeners of his Austin-based website and broadcast Infowars that the nation’s second deadliest school shooting — in which 20 children ages 6 and 7 and six adults were killed — was a government hoax meant to take away Americans’ guns. That led his listeners to harass the victims’ families."


@nogod4me he admitted he was wrong not that he lied.. it was something that turned out to be a lie but he wasn't himself a liar ...

You know this ... But you pretend not to.

@laidback1 So, you are saying that Alex Jones is so stupid that he believed that the slaughter of the Sandy Hook children was a hoax. Why would he? That is just nonsense, especially with the evidence right before his own eyes, he is now just trying to save his own ass. If he is actually that stupid, why do you listen to him and support him?

No amount of evidence will convince a believer of the truth.

"The true-believer syndrome merits study by science. What is it that compels a person, past all reason, to believe the unbelievable. How can an otherwise sane individual become so enamored of a fantasy, an imposture, that even after it's exposed in the bright light of day he still clings to it — indeed, clings to it all the harder?… No amount of logic can shatter a faith consciously based on a lie." — M. Lamar Keene

You know this ... But you pretend not to.

@nogod4me the Media and the government is responsible for the reaction by the listeners..

1,fishy shit going on and the media ignored it
2,the government has been documented doing mk ultra experiments and other forms of psychological war agendas

Sue the media that ignored fishy shit
Prosecute those in the government responsible for all the fishy shit that's been documented & continues to this day in all probability

@nogod4me it's stupid to believe a government that's been known to do fishy shit may of done fishy shit when fishy shit is seen ?

@laidback1 So, you are saying everything that the "Media and the government" do is "fishy shit"? However, Alex Jones speaks absolute truth in his media outlets. You are trying to insult everyone with your ignorance and stupidity in trying to defend Jones. It's laughable.

@nogod4me it's possible he is some Mastermind that used what's been happening to gain power in life .. but at the same time what's been happening hasn't been good and he has more motivation to stop these pychos than to join them .. but I could be wrong about him in some senses. I hate he is such a trump fan ,& makes me wonder..I know if anything that is good about trump is that he appears to I many to care about America, whether he a WWf super star like the rest of the politicians.. I believe he is a WWf star or he is just lost.. maybe Jones is lost .. but they're all human ...and all have a right to free speech..

@laidback1 Yes, we have a right to free speech and the right to criticize that speech when it is wrong. Yet, even after being told that he was wrong and seen the evidence he still pushed the lies, just like Trump does. These charlatans go after believers and conspiracy theorists for their base, because they will believe without question, which makes them idiots. You must know that the fool who follows the fool is the greater fool. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true, that is something everyone, including Jones, should have learned when they were children. To claim he doesn't know makes him a blithering idiot.

@laidback1 I want to show you what a blithering idiot Alex Jones would have to be to think Sandy Hook was a hoax.

These are the children and the adults who were shot to death at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Each had faces and names, but they also had family, friends, classmates, and acquaintances all over the country. People who had known them and met them. They knew them by their faces and their names. There is no way that so many people, so far spread, could perpetrate that kind of hoax or would want to. He would have to be extremely stupid to believe that, so you know what that says about his believers and followers.

Jones was trying to advocate for high powered weapons and tried to cover up the slaughter of these people. I'm sure most of his followers are gun advocates, they would want to believe it.

@nogod4me you're more angry with speech than actual violence.. you don't care about mk ultra and the people who got away with it and are still getting away with it ..

@laidback1 You need to focus and get perspective and stop jumping around to various subjects or you will embrace lies along with truth. That is exactly what cultists, believers and conspiracy theorists do. That is the reason Alex Jones was able to indoctrinate you. He has convinced you that he is innocent and also the victim. What he did was cruel, dangerous, and disgusting and he should be held accountable.

@nogod4me switching subjects? These subjects all know about mk ultra? The government doing experiments on people without their consent ,all for psycholical control , through all kinds of means that are unethical and horrifying

In world war 1(Maybe 2) , Hollywood was used to make screen sets for the enemy to think there was more tanks ,more of a formidable force...

So for Alex Jones to of made the assumption that it was faked is completely reasonable

We can't take power of speech away from people because some people will act criminally,unless they are doing it intentionally.. like mk ultra...

Half the time when I check out Alex Jones he just pisses me off...

Other half I'm like he is being reasonable...

And there are so many who do not like Alex Jones who want everyone to have free speech..

He made a mistake choosing to believe an assumption that was reasonably probable because of with the information of mk ultra ..

Like he said he was going through a psychosis,and thought everything was a hoax from.the mk ultra experiments being known ..

So I guess we shouldn't know about that right? Because then people will be like Alex Jones and then people will harrass parents...

So we should just let the government to continue to get away with horrors...

Because you know ... someone will get hurt from others hurting others .. so I guess less people get hurt your way ? Where we all shut up and let people do horrors behind our backs? As long as it doesn't affect you ?

@laidback1 In order to know, you must have knowledge. In order to have knowledge, you must have evidence. A believer simply believes without evidence producing knowledge. It is one thing to have evidence that you can produce and another thing to add all manner of beliefs and nonsense to an issue. When you do, you become disreputable and people will think you are a nut or a fool.

Just like Trump asserting that the election was stolen without producing evidence and even contrary to evidence. Only a fool would haved believe his nonsense without evidence.

Alex Jones has, in the past and present, pushed conspiracy theories that are obvious nonsense. Have you ever fallen for his nonsense? Did you believe that the Sandy Hook Elementary School slaughter was a hoax? I've already shown you how stupid Jones would have had to be in order to believe his own lie. Did you fall for Trump's big lie? If you did, that may help you understand if you are a conspiracy nut or a cultist and are inclined to believe something rather than accept evidence.

Evidence is its own defense, it speaks for itself, you don't have to add anything to it, especially belief and supposition. Just present the evidence. That's all Trump and Jones had to do, however, it was impossible because there was no evidence for what they were asserting. Only a fool would have believed them.

Both Trump and Jones pushed their lies in order to benefit themselves and to deceive and manipulate people.

@nogod4me you ignore real evidence.. it's pathetic how you can drone on like that and not realize what is happening... Mk ultra never stopped... There's no reasoning with you apparently.. all you care about is being right.. and making yourself feel better...

There are real conspiracies that have been proven.. wtf .. Jeffrey Epstein... Wtf .. you're fucking wasting time on Alex Jones,while children are being raped for black mail... But hey as long as your ego is intact.. asshole..

@laidback1 I never said there are not real conspiracies. However, you seem to have been taken in by charlatans like Trump and Jones, and possibly QANON, who push absurd conspiracies in order to obscure facts and in doing so cause actual truth to be rejected and all conspiracies to be rejected.

I believe that is why you refuse to answer my questions: Have you ever fallen for Jone's nonsense? Did you believe that the Sandy Hook Elementary School slaughter was a hoax? I've already shown you how stupid Jones would have had to be in order to believe his own lie. Did you fall for Trump's big lie? If you did, that may help you understand if you are a conspiracy nut or a cultist and are inclined to believe something rather than accept evidence.

I hope you realize that not all conspiracies are true. We also know that there are real conspiracies, Trump and his allies conspired against the US to overturn a legitimate election and failed.

@nogod4me awnser me ,so if you know these conspiracies are true why do you give your energy to Alex Jones? And Trump?

I didn't think it was a Hoax ,but I could see why someone would of thought that ... Not from stupidity,but from real conspiracies that happened...

And those are the people responsible for Alex Jones and others ,so many that could of been the culprits that were influencers to go after the parents..but yo focus on one of them the biggest name.. and deny the reasons why this happened...

As I stated mk ultra is a good example of why .,along with how Hollywood faked strength for the national interests.. ( which I eas okay with that ,but not mk ultra ,not using child rape to blackmail and control)

And evidence shows that the election system is not up to par to really know the truth . But I haven't cared to look into it much but I know there was fucked up shit going down

The only argument for Biden winning is that the election wasn't currupt enough to have a new election or have it overturned...

But I don't care , cause I hate both parties.. Trump is the best WWf super star president ever ,so what, Obama had the "I'm a Smart guy " WWf character.. Trump had "I'm the badass"

Fuck them all..

The energy needs focus on the real criminals.. not the innocent people who have been traumatized by them..

@laidback1 Not all conspiracies are true. That is why evidence is necessary. You sound as if you haven't watched or listened to the evidence in the January 6th hearings. Not wanting to see or hear evidence is just another cult pattern. There is no doubt that the election was NOT stolen and that Trump and his allies conspired against the US to overturn that legitimate election and failed. Trump has not produced any evidence to support his claims and all the evidence is against him, including the fact that Republicans and his own people reject his claims, and the fact that they have Trump and his cohorts on tape admitting what they were doing. Yet conspiracy nuts don't care because they are believers, they don't care about evidence. They just eat the shit that is fed them without looking for evidence.

By believing Trump and Jones, you become part of the problem. You say that you didn't believe that the Sandy Hook Elementary School slaughter was a hoax and yet you declare Jones innocent, that he was fooled because there have been other real conspiracies, which is just a ridiculous excuse. Just because there have been actual conspiracies, like Trump conspiring against the US to overturn a legitimate election, doesn’t mean ALL conspiracies are true. As I have explained before, Jones would have to be a blithering idiot to believe his own lie, which he himself invented, without evidence. He is not that stupid, he was indoctrinating his believers and followers into believing that lie in order to advocate for high powered weapons.

You are a believer, you want people to believe you without evidence and you want people to believe Trump and Jones without evidence. You follow cult leaders which you declare have done nothing wrong and proclaim them to be the actual victims. That is cult and religion basics. Even Jesus fits those descriptions. If you are a non-believer then you cannot disparage religion for doing the very same thing that you are doing.

@nogod4me you're engrossed in delusions... That lady lied about trump grabbing the wheel .. you are sad and desperate to justify bullshit.. I despise you . Children are being hurt and all you care about is being right.. you're disgusting

@laidback1 It’s not about me being right, but it is a fact that you are wrong. Just like a cult, you evade, you produce no evidence while not accepting blatant evidence, and you refuse to accept that your cult leaders are charlatans no matter how much evidence is against them.

@nogod4me you mean like the lady that lied.. yeah .. okay, projector..

@laidback1 As if that is the only evidence that was given, Trump and his cohorts have been caught on tape admitting what they did. You are just a simple believer without enough character to accept evidence that is contrary to your delusions.

@nogod4me if this evidence is so solid why isn't a real criminal prosecutor putting him.on trial ,why is it a public circus to turn you into another clog in the machine to stop people investing in getting the real criminals like Ghislaine Maxwell's client list and the rest connected to Jeffery Epstein

The future generations are going to hate you .trump is a fool , and compared to Obama he is not a criminal .. Obama murdered two United States citizen a father and his 16yo son ... Though trump killed the 6yo granddaughter but he didn't target her like Obama targeted the rest of the family.. no due process... Fuck you

@nogod4me actually trump ought to go to jail for war crimes just like the rest of them ... But this election shit.. fuck you .. there are real crimes and your stupidity to go after him for the election and ignoring all the other criminals.. fuck you

@nogod4me pisses me off how you can drone on about bullshit that's not going to help anything... Ignoring child rape... Fucking hate you

@nogod4me you don't give a fuck about right and wrong you just care about yourself being right... Fuck you .. child rape is still happening, blackmail is still happening... And you dare go on about a fucking election ... Fuck you .. fucking scum

@laidback1 You are just ranting. And what are doing to save these children besides writing stupid posts that declare "Alex Jones is innocent." You are part of the problem.

@nogod4me I'm talking about it and not ignoring it like you .. you put focus on bullshit,on human flaws,not real downright fucking crimes

@laidback1 Both Trump and Jones are criminals. You are trying not to talk about that, trying to get the focus off of them and change the subject.

Both are guilty, Jones has already admitted his guilt and Trump has already been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is guilty.

Your cult mind will not allow you to accept that fact.


Oh, gee, i dunno, i have lived in Connecticut 97% of my life and for example just recently our Governor did an Excellent job during the Pandemic, also our budget is balanced for the first time in a long time, and we are in tbe forefront of welcoming women who wish to exercise their bodily autonomy.
Oh, yeah, and we are kicking the stuffing out of that horrible Big-Mouth Maggot, Alex Jones, as i knew we would....Sandy Hook happened here.

Fuck you ,I had to wait 9 months to get a driver's license other state governors didn't make people wait more than 2 months . Fuck you

I fucking hate Connecticut.. you fuckers caused 8 teenage girls try to kill themselves.. because that's how fucked up you are .. fuck you


What's your real name? Let me put it on social media that, and I'm just questioning, that you are a pedophile. Unless you are one, wouldn't you sue me?

I bet this fuckin' asshole wouldn't think there was anything wrong with going into a crowded theater and loudly questioning if there was a fire.

Show me the example of him doing what you just laid out there.. oh that's right you can't .. you have no evidence of that just like to be hyperbolic,like what you accuse him of ..which he can be seen as hyperbolic ,but at least he has good reason for it ..there was fishy shit going on .. who the fuck was that running in the woods? Yeah don't question anything.. just let people get away with doing fishy shit... Like bill gates admitted he met Jeffery Epstein,and he says what does it matter he's dead "now" ..

Just wow...

Bill gates has a clean slate because it does not matter he met Jeffery Epstein because he's dead ... He's dead .. dead

Dead ... Dead man tell no tales

@laidback1 So, you're admitting to being a pedophile? I'm just articulating what is suspicious here. Your name had "laid" in it, so that must mean something. Pretty sure if I asked the group here, I would get some messages about how creepy you seem and act. I don't like pedophiles; I turned one in once, and he got 5 years. Have you ever thought about NOT being a pedophile? Inquiring minds want to know. Maybe you're drinking too much lead from the supplements you take. I'm just looking for answers to questions.

You forgot to mention the talking lizard people and how they are making frogs gay... attention junkie. @laidback1

@Beowulfsfriend you're just baiting and trying to prove a point . You're pathetic

@Beowulfsfriend, @Leetx Jeffery Epstein was ral Ghislaine Maxwell,it's all real .. avd you pretend that you're safe under this system that allows that .. where's Ghislaine Maxwell's clients? Fucking criminally retarded you are

@laidback1 That may well be; however, it seems that your behavior points to being a pedophile. You act just like one would behave. The characteristics that you exude are quite telling. You haven't denied that fact. You revel in the attention. Classic, and I do mean classic pedophilia. You blame the broken system for your needs. Just remember, I know the system did catch at least one pedophile - the guy I alerted the system to. You and he had similar characteristics; that must mean something. Not that I am accusing you. No, not at all. I didn't openly accuse that guy either; I just pointed something out to authorities to watch for. I wonder, do you fear the authorities looking into your behavior? Is that something that keeps you awake at night? I can't speak for Leetx, but I have a feeling, it's just a feeling, that he may be able to add to the conversation on why you may be a pedophile hiding in plain sight. Sometimes there are clues. Do you know too much? Are you hiding secrets? Being paranoid about the system makes sense, especially if your actions are going to bring attention to yourself.

@Beowulfsfriend your mother must of hated you.the way you tried to manipulate her .. or had you learned it from her , don't really care .. you're a fucked person,and done with you , because you are worthless to me. You ignore real pedophiles like Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine invisible client list and go on this tirade , I hate you and everyone like you ,you are enabling horrors beyond words to this world while you act like you are a stand up person ,when you're a fool .. enabling horrors .. congratulations you're the first person I've decided is worth ignoring.. I've been trying to take everyone in account for some kind of peace and justice to grow eventually,but people like you . You're truly impossible.. you're an enabler,I don't believe anything you say .. enjoy

@laidback1 Have is a verb dipshit. Of is a preposition. Try again. My mother is long dead, so whatever she felt is of no consequence. Now, back to your problems. I suggest that you turn yourself in, if you are a pedophile. Since you haven't denied your desires for helpless youth, one can only expect that you quite possibly can use that as a defense to get less punishment. You can try the ex Jones' defense - not knowing. Wait, he did know, he admitted to knowing. OK, yes, that's it, come clean and admit your feelings for innocents.

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