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Anti-bullying is just bullying the bullies. And I wouldn't ever stand for that.

Dyl1983 8 Nov 8

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Me thinks bullying hurts the person doing the bullying as well.


Providing that someone who is trying to stop a person bullying explains in detail about how bullies work, there is no harm in repeating it until he realizes the damage he is doing Into the future. Then some reparations are in order. I imagine [I do not know]. that is how the experts work. All sexes and occupations contain bullies

Unfortunately there are some victims who.realize how it works and have learned the techniques and begin to bully others. And so it chains on. Bullying can be a chain of social failure.


There needs to be correction of bullies. I don’t care what you want to call it, but bullies only get worse if left uncorrected.


When I was a child this kid tried to bully me, I got 6 friends of mine when I confronted him. He left me alone.


Vladimir Putin is a bully, and I'm ALL in favor of the International Criminal Court bullying him right into a hangman's noose.


Sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire.
Sometimes, it's not the best course of action.

Yup, it all depends on the likelihood of winning the fight.


Please explain.

I think it's a joke. Like: "I used to be an extremist. Now I'm a moderate, I think all the extremists should be shot."

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