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12 minutes of truth about white people!

Redheadedgammy 9 Nov 10

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I love her and have repeated a couple of her quotes over the years.

There is a group of White people that refuse to consider themselves racist, but who maintain that racism is a problem in our past and the playing field is now level, and when you add them to the large group of people who have always been racists (and are now quite proud of it), it seems we haven't really made any advances at all in the past couple hundred years.


Hm-mm, did the skin of those who stayed in Africa remain dark, or did it become darker than it had been?

Did the skin of those who left Africa become lighter than It had been?


White people have been the scourge of the planet for hundreds of years. As soon as Europeans figured out how to traverse the planet, they took their belief that White people are superior to people of color everywhere; using that attitude to justify conquering, enslaving, and stealing these people's resources along the way. Our country was founded by these same people. Racism was written into our Constitution and is a thread that still runs through this country's DNA. l fear it will until we fail as a nation.


What lovely plain speaking!

My thoughts exactly!


always greatly admired this woman

So do I


I was raised in Alabama and graduated from high school in 1977.
I am a racist, I am no bigot.
When my racism manifest itself as thought it is not entertained, more like a memory of hateful comments from my childhood, which I keep to myself.
I am not racially blind, nor culturally naive.
I don't find certain races attractive naked.
The most prevalent racism in the Bible belt is done by intentionally misunderstanding pro-minority slogans to make them sound anti-white, they aren't. Closely followed by rewriting history by making comments like "The civil war wasn't about slavery, it was about economics, the North just wanted the wealth of southern aristocrats." or some version of it that denies the clear references in the confederacy and their constitution that made it abundantly clear it was all about the slavery and always was.
It's why I was against taking down all the racist monuments, it's a permanent record of how people thought at the time. Now fascist can just claim it never happened, like Tulsa.
I am trying to outgrow my cultural handicap, it's not as easy as it sounds. I don't like to be generous or give anyone the benefit of the doubt.
We may never succeed but there's no excuse for not trying.

Acknowledging where we fall short is step one towards improvement.
You're on the right track

@Unity It only helps me. We do such things to hurt people who might otherwise be our friends and partners. Why burn the bridge to potential happiness without ever seeing the other side?

I was born in Alabama too. I’m glad I wasn’t raised there as I saw how my cousins who were raised there turned out. Last time I was there was 1997, when my sisters father passed away. Appreciate you sharing your life experiences. Sending you a hug. πŸ€—


Aside from her references to God, I agree with her. I also think it's helpful for white people to live in a location where they are in the minority and it's mostly people of color who are in control of the government and businesses for some enlightenment. To live in a melting pot of many cultures and to see how everyone gets along respectfully, for the most part, is inspiring. Being a visitor in another culture can give some perspective.

I've never thought about the political aspects of planned parenthood in quite the way she put it, and so I have yet another reason to be glad I support the organization.

I had not thought of the PP political aspect either until I listened to this. Really opened my eyes about a lot of stuff!


Excellent….she’s telling it as it is. No matter whether you happen to agree with her or not…she’s is right.

I listened to this twice and boy do I agree with every word she had to say, well except for the god stuff anyway!! 😘


I'm not scared. I didn't even know I had any power to lose. πŸ˜›

Though she is 100% right. Especially that we should stop tolerating intolerance.

She isn't saying that all white people are racist. Just that a LOT are racist. And I think that many will never stop being racist regardless of knowledge. Some people love being hate-filled bigots.


Opinionated? Not at all, but she’s right.

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