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Another false headline re covid.
It never was a pandemic of the unvaccinated because the "vaccine" was never intended to stop transmission. Never even tested for stopping transmission

puff 8 Nov 24

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One doth wonder.
The common cold kills 180.000 people a year in AUSTRALIA. That equates to a 5% mortality rate. The Spanish flu has a similar mortality rate in AU.
Covid mortality rate worldwide is estimated at 0.0045%
There has been a recorded rise of deaths from "other " causes not directly linked to Covid

@Kurtn Where do you get your facts from. The figures you posted are blatantly false. Probably another subscriber to RT. Are all Australians wimgnut? I'm beginning to think so.

@barjoe I get my stats from the Australian Bureau of statistics. Hmm you have information you can share that proves that the ABS is disseminating blatantly false information.. Please advise the Australian Government urgently..
Feel free to think what ever turns you on.

@Kurtn Produce a link showing 100K deaths from rhinovirus in a country of 24 million.

@Kurtn At my estimate then, about half the deaths in Australia are caused by the common cold.

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