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Do you give money to the red kettle bell ringers outside every store? I used to when my kids were little, to model how we are charitable as a family. That was until I researched the organization and realized there were better charities for our meager donations, more in line with our beliefs, not working against many of the rights we so strongly support.

From the article linked below:

"The Salvation Army is not exactly a charity, as many people assume. It is a religious sect, and a fundamentalist/evangelical one at that. It is part of the Religious Right and it has an agenda just as they do."

Read on to learn more:


Julie808 8 Dec 7

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34 comments (26 - 34)

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The only time I ever give them? When they are outside freezing their ass off for this nonsense. Throwing a buck in their kettle always seems to make a random person feel better. Otherwise? Fuck The Salvation Army!!!!


Good to know. They won't be getting any more loose change from me.


Remember the Clintons (Bill and Hil)? Donations for campaigns or for other goals ended up in the Clinton Foundation. They probably bought more land in Arkansas

And how the very corrupt and guilty Trump Organization misappropriated charity funds to buy a giant painting of that ugly motherfucker Trump?

Oh, I thought we were just adding unrelated shit about politicians we don't like.

The Clintons also fought AIDS in Africa and around the world, but for the record I give zero money to charities.

I have always hated both of the Clintons, for being phony corporate sellouts. Nice to see your comment proves me right about that.

@TomMcGiverin Some right wing asshole proves you right? Ok. Got it.

@Secretguy I came to that conclusion about the Clintons long ago, without his help, by watching what they did, not their words. And no, I am very left wing, that's why I hate them. Bill was the first neoliberal, DLC corporate Dem president we had, selling out the working class and pushing them into the arms of the Repubs, He and Hillary did a lot to making Trump our 45th prez. They were part of the disease, he was merely the symptom...


Decades ago, didn’t some bell ringers play in a Broadway show about baseball? I really liked the show.


My mother was Salvation Army for donkey's years, she only quit when she joined a lunatic Charismatic sect in her sixties, because the Sally Army had, in her words "Gone soft"
The very idea of a Paramilitary Christian organisation had always to me seemed highly suspect to begin with, but during the time that my wife was working as a senior carer in a home for homeless geriatric men I heard so many horror stories about the Sallies, that it made my hair stand on end. Such as allowing Homeless people to take a shower, but then charging them 50p for use of a towel after they got soaking wet, or telling them to make do with tissue paper, telling other homeless they were to well dressed to have charity clothes or eat in their soup kitchens, and refuing to help those who would not sing Christian hymns. To the point where many of them would rather freeze than go to the Sally Army for help.
Then the final straw came for me when I was working for the Charity Shelter and literally had three 3 Salvation Army Heavies approach my self and three colleagues while we were collecting for the homeless on the street at Christmas and threaten us to go collect elsewhere as we were on their patch and stealing their donations.
We had a council permit to collect and they did not, but when I called the police for assistance was told we would have to move as they were not prepared to "Get in the papers for hassling the Salvation Army"


If you read the whole article, the author is a rightist of the Ayn Rand persuasion. Well, broken clocks and all that.

Where and how did you get that idea?
Have you any idea who James Peron is?
You statement is akin to declaring that based on his writing Joseph Goebbels was a Loony Leftist snowflake.

@LenHazell53 My comment was a response not to the man's biography but rather to his article, to which I no longer have access because it's a members-only post on Medium. Therefore I can't give you chapter and verse. I don't think it's unreasonable to assess an author "based on his writing."


General Brain Peddle the CEO or General of the Salvation Army international is paid £145,994 - £159,619 per Annum depending if you include benefits and bonuses or not.
Make of that what you will


Notice I said "mostly". If you're pissed off, you must recognize yourself.

How'd you end up here? Your original post is down the page a few inches

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