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An interesting opinion piece, clearly identified as an opinion piece by RT. As many refuse to view RT and others unable due to censorship, I have cut and pasted the whole article. I tend to agree that we will see an ethnic cleanse if Ukraine is victorious as they are already banning everything Russian.

"What will happen to ethnic Russians in Donbass and Crimea, if Ukraine and NATO emerge victorious from the current conflict?
The brutal treatment of ‘collaborators’ could extend to millions of people
By John Varoli, veteran journalist who holds a dual degree in Russian Studies and the History of US Foreign Policy from Cornell University. He has worked with both Russia and Ukraine since 1992, including 15 years as a foreign correspondent for major media such as the New York Times, Bloomberg News and Reuters TV. His personal blog can be found on Substack

What will happen to ethnic Russians in Donbass and Crimea, if Ukraine and NATO emerge victorious from the current conflict?
Ukrainian soldiers train in Donetsk region © Anatolii Stepanov / AFP
Nine years ago, about eight and a half million people lived in Donbass and Crimea, according to Ukrainian statistics. Most of them spoke Russian as their native language. Many of them identified as ethnic Russians. All of them are now considered by Moscow to be Russian citizens. Thus, if the NATO-backed regime in Kiev re-conquers those regions, then then are fears that retribution against the locals could be ruthless and bloody.

At first glance, the conflict as it unfolded in Donbass and Crimea starting in 2014 appears to be a classic textbook case of separatism. An ethnic minority – of Russians, in this instance – wants to be independent and to reunite with the Motherland from which it was cut off decades ago when Soviet leaders drew arbitrary borders.

Kiev wants to eradicate the cultural identity and political autonomy of this ethnic minority. Therefore, members of the minority rise up in rebellion. Quite straightforward. Right?

The issue, however, is much more complicated due to the geopolitical confrontation between NATO and Russia. For eight years, Donbass and Crimea have been pieces on the chessboard of superpower rivalry and now they’re on the frontline of Europe’s most devastating conflict since the 1990s Balkans wars.

NATO faces ‘very real’ weapons shortage due to Ukraine – US envoy
Read more NATO faces ‘very real’ weapons shortage due to Ukraine – US envoy
When NATO and the Kiev regime talk about “liberating” Crimea and Donbass, what they really mean is they’re determined to eradicate the ethnic identity of the local Russian population and to weaken, if not destroy, the Russian Federation.

Rubicon crossed
NATO and Kiev officials are obsessed with seizing full control of these disputed regions, and there’s no limit to the blood and treasure they’re willing to sacrifice toward that goal. However, entirely absent from their plans are details about what will happen to the local Russian population in case of their victory.

More than a million people in the Donbass applied for and received Russian citizenship between 2019 and the moment the areas became part of Russia in 2022, because it’s a country to which these people are bound by blood, language and culture. After the regions (collectively dubbed “new Russian territories&rdquo😉 joined Russia, all their inhabitants became Russian citizens from Moscow’s point of view. They can opt out and are not required to renounce their Ukrainian citizenship.

Under international law, Moscow has a right to protect its citizens no matter where they might be. According to the Western media narrative, however, the conflict in Ukraine began on February 24, 2022 when Russia “invaded” Ukraine in an effort to “destroy” the country and “to rebuild the Soviet Empire.”

The reality, of course, is quite different. Here’s a brief overview of how the conflict really began, almost nine years ago.

On February 21, 2014, with US support, a violent insurrection in Kiev toppled the democratically elected President Victor Yanukovich, who is from Donbass. Not surprisingly, his supporters across eastern and southern Ukraine resisted the new US-backed regime in Kiev.

As Ukraine crumbled into anarchy in spring 2014, Crimea held a referendum and quickly reintegrated into Russia. The two Donbass regions – Donetsk and Lugansk – soon declared their independence from Kiev. The Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic were born, but didn’t join Russia at the time.

Kiev responded by bombing Donbass, arresting “separatists” and launching an “Anti-Terrorist Operation.” On May 2, 2014, nearly 50 pro-Russia demonstrators were burned alive inside the Trade Unions House in Odessa. The Rubicon had been crossed. In 2014-15, more than a million Ukrainians fled to Russia.

Canceling ethnic Russians
While NATO and Kiev talk about “democracy” and “freedom,” they fail to apply these concepts to the Russian citizens in Crimea and the new territories, which became part of Russia in September after holding referendums on the question.

Today, Kiev and NATO insist they’re fighting “totalitarian Russia” to protect the “rules-based order.” Yet, NATO refuses to recognize those referendum results. And Western journalists –often reporting from Washington, London and Kiev– have concocted a bizarre and false narrative that the people in these regions are held captive, living under a ‘brutal’ Russian occupation.

NATO boss warns of potential war with Russia
Read more NATO boss warns of potential war with Russia
The right to self-determination is a fundamental principle of international law, enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The concept was embraced by US President Woodrow Wilson to justify entrance into World War I. The US fought to “Make the World Safe for Democracy” and to free European nations –Poles, Czechs and Serbs– from Austrian and German rule.

Why can’t the people of Crimea and the new Russian territories also enjoy such rights? Despite disinformation spread by Western media, NATO leaders are well aware of their own hypocrisy. So, what to do when lofty American principles clash with Washington’s geopolitical ambitions? Alter the facts to fit the narrative!

The West has effectively canceled the Russians of Crimea and Donbass. Voila! Everyone residing in those regions is automatically ‘Ukrainian’ – no need to ask what they think, what language they speak or how they identify ethnically. In Western reporting this matter is glossed over, and not because modern Ukraine is welcoming to those of any ethnic or language background. It’s the opposite – the Kiev regime’s goal is a purified Ukrainian state where everyone speaks Ukrainian and embraces the national identity. There’s no room for other ethnicities (or at least, no room for a certain other hated ethnicity) in their vision for Ukraine.

Ethnic cleansing on the horizon?
This brings us to the main dilemma – if Kiev and NATO win, what happens to the Russians living in the regions they will have ‘liberated’? This is the question I posed to both former and current US government officials and experts. But no one would answer. So I searched online. Likewise, nothing. No detailed information on Kiev’s post-war plan. Their silence is sinister.

Therefore, let’s look at what has already happened in territories ‘liberated’ by the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) in the past nine months. Retribution against pro-Russian locals in the Kharkov and Kherson regions was quick and furious, with ‘filtration measures’ used to round up and punish 'collaborators', allegedly including extrajudicial killings.

Also, we can see how on a daily basis the UAF indiscriminately shells and terrorizes civilian centers in Donbass, racking up horrendous civilian casualties.

Let that thought sink in – Kiev considers these people to be its own (since it doesn’t recognize the Donbass regions as Russian). Yet, it bombs them ruthlessly every day. How much greater will be the slaughter if the UAF ‘liberates’ Donbass and Crimea from ‘Russian occupation’?

Shutting down free speech
In the past 25 years the world has seen many cases of separatism. Most prominent among them are Kosovo, and South Sudan. Both have enjoyed Western support and, so, their ambitions have been quite successful.

Ukraine can use American weapons to bomb Crimea – FM
Read more Ukraine can use American weapons to bomb Crimea – FM
Yet, many other groups yearning for independence are ignored by Western powers. Clear and indisputable facts about the pro-Russian sentiment among the people of Donbass and Crimea are dismissed by the West as “Russian propaganda.” Anyone who dares to question and doubts the NATO narrative is smeared as a “Putin puppet.”

The goal of such malicious name-calling is to shut down free thought and debate. Crimes are best committed in silence, far from the light of truth and transparency. Censorship is the refuge of rogues and villains whose views and ideas are unable to withstand intellectual scrutiny and inquiry.

This is why no one in NATO and Kiev wants an honest discussion about the future of Crimea and the new Russian territories, and of the people living there.

We can be certain – a Kiev victory means that innumerable locals will have to flee their homes and thousands will be declared ‘collaborators,’ and subjected to all kinds of punishment, probably even including executions. Russians and other ethnic minorities are not welcome in a radical nationalist Ukrainian state that seeks to be cleansed of Russian influence.

Welcome to NATO’s “rules-based order.”"

puff 8 Dec 18

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What horse hockey.

You can tell this story is written by a russian, or russian sympathizer. "As Ukraine crumbled into anarchy in spring 2014, Crimea held a referendum and quickly reintegrated into Russia".

Ukraine didn't crumble and Crimea didn't 'reintegrate'. Putin has had his eye on conquering all the old soviet satellites since he became the leader of russia and chose Ukraine first. Invading Crimea is not "holding a referendum" - that is total bullshit. Most of the rest of that article does the same ... stating bullshit as facts, but if you know what really happened, you know it is total bullshit.

The pictures of russian soldiers with guns 'escorting' Ukrainians to the last referendum should give you an idea of how much the Ukrainians wanted to vote. At the point of a gun under the duress of death you will cast any vote you are told to ... if you want to live.

Ukrainians won't kill their relatives if they are russian if they aren't russian sympathizers.

Ukrainians won't kill russians unless they have participated in the war (on the russian side) or helped the russians in some way.

Ukrainians aren't monsters like most republicans.

Reminds you of "The Afghanistan withdrawal and occupation were a resounding success" does it? Or Saudi Arabia is a pariah state?
The current Ukranian govt is cracking down on everything Russian, have been for 8 years since the coup and the rearming of Ukraine. Pity the Yanks are continuing the conflict.
Whoever blew up Nord Stream are terrorist pieces of shit

Please post a link to the article that says "The Afghanistan withdrawal and occupation were a resounding success". I'm pretty sure that you are making that up.


I see that all the usual suspects are so indoctrinated with US propaganda that they, like noisy galahs, squawk about it being Russian propaganda.
Their probable theist origins belie their ability to see this reality.

The attached photo from the US Washington Post dated 8th September 2022 is not shy in revealing what is occurring:

... and what keeps you from seeing the reality that russia invaded Ukraine - twice. once when Crimea was annexed in 2014, and once last February.

The 'what is occurring' is Ukraine will not let russians take positions of power inside their country when those same russians are russian agents working for putin. Every country does that - even Australia, mate.

@AtheistInNC what makes you think that USA can invade countries often thousands of miles from N..America, murder hundreds of of thousands, cripple communities agriculture for decades if not centuries, overthrow foreign governments through CIA dirty ops as occurred in 2014 in Ukraine all without approbation or retribution? And don't you think such action was carried out to result in the current war in Ukraine.
Tell me what would occur if Canadians suddenly started lobbing shels & missiles over the boarder into USA killing people? Or FBI agents sending a tank to an institution in Waco? We all know what happened with the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan except that in the case of Ukraine many Ukrainians are Russian ethnics being genocidally murdered by fascist non Russian Ukrainians.
But ask yourself the question "how many billions of dollars have been spent by US government's to so called law, police & national guard organisations to genocidally murder blacks in USA?"
Why are you not up in arms about that? Look what your country did supposedly in retribution for 9\11? Have you got your priorities in order?

Oh boy. Prove that Ukraine's gpverment was overthrown in 2014 (it wasn't)
All the rest -
"what would occur if Canadians suddenly started lobbing shels (sic) & missiles"
-- they would say "Eh! Sorry about that, those were supposed to land on N. Korea"
"Or FBI agents sending a tank to an institution in Waco?"
-- Been there done that. Fire and death.
"We all know what happened with the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, Cambodia, Afghanistan"
-- "WE" do? Do you know all about it, or just what your russian counterparts told you?

Have you heard of Lyndon Johnson, John Kennedy, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren?
The US government is not genocidally murdering black citizens. I am not saying many aren't murdered at the hands of government employees, but I am saying it isn't a government plot or the aforementioned individuals would have acted differently than they have.

How do you know what I am up in arms about? We haven't spoken directly.
Yes, I do have my priorities in order. You apparently believe all that your russian handlers tell you; I on the other hand require proof before I go spouting off anal drivel.

@AtheistInNC lol. My acquisition of the knowledge that you claim "Do you know all about it, or just what your russian counterparts told you?" actually came from a long time ago before RT existed and when my only source of such information was western media. We all know the truth in that source now. Don't we?


So let's recap:
You didn't prove that Ukraine's government was overthrown in 2014 and you didn't object to me outing you to the world that you have russian handlers ... you only stated that you didn't get certain info from them.

Sums it up neatly, huh?

@AtheistInNC yawn. I try not to waste my time with some points as I have better things to do.


Thanks for the lolz.

When you are caught spewing russian propaganda anal drivel, you change the subject or say "Not worth my time." Seems that the russians can't hire people smarter than them (and putin shows you how dumb the ones in power are) ... and this is the result.


@AtheistInNC he who laughs last laughs longest.
I'll be back if I have time to waste.

Lame reply.
However, I didn't expect much better.


A whole lotta words based on "what if" ....just like a Discovery Channel program on Ancient Aliens. And more ASSumptions than i can count.
All from a known pro-Russian.
Hard Pass!

I also noted the phrase "Russian citizens" when "ethnic Russians" would have been more accurate. That group of people may view themselves politically as neither Ukranian nor Russian.

Clearly identified as an opinion piece so "what if's" perfectly acceptable. It is not a news story.

The problem is "opinion pieces" are now portrayed as "news stories" and those whose education is lacking can't tell the difference.

"opinion pieces" should have a pile of dogshit as the leading avatar so people know what to expect.

@AtheistInNC That would apply to every single US news service then. They don't report news anymore, just propagate the state agenda.

... and where exactly is this "state agenda" located ?


Another of our resident comrades.


As Russia is targeting electricity and utilities in Ukraine as they are heading into winter, I think it is pure hubris for Russia to be accusing Ukraine of planning ethnic cleansing. I think it is just propaganda that they are using to cover up their own inhumane actions, which will cause people to freeze to death this winter, because Russia deliberately has tried to knock out Ukraine's ability to generate heat over the winter.

If you want to talk about ethnic cleansing, Russia attacked Ukraine, unprovoked, and has made no differentiation between military and civilian targets and have not provided any medical care to civilian populations, which they injured in attacks, where they occupied Ukraine territories.

In case anyone doesn't know, RT is a well known as a Russian propaganda outlet.

I don't support war or killing. Do support defense, it is so sad a powerful country like Russia uses Ukraine like a pawn to protect themselves from NATO. That would be like Russian missles parked in Canada and Mexico pointed at US. People forget all the war rape, pillaging and murder in a uniform from half of the world's War budget of the US military complex. Also US military are the largest corporations in the world. Plus 25% of the world's prisoners in US prisons. If I lived in Ukraine, I'd get the hell out of there in a heart beat. When US is claiming to save them, that would be the scarest and most horri=bull words ever from the US Government possible. .

@Castlepaloma Thus far US/ NATO freedom wars have given us Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. I would get out if I could as well.

@puff NATO was NOT involved in any of the conflicts you listed.

@puff, @Castlepaloma NATO is no threat to Russia, unless Russia attacks a NATO member. NATO requires action from its members if any NATO member is attacked, however there is NO NATO provision requiring any NATO member to participate in an unprovoked conflict started by any member.

The rest of your 12/18 reply to @snytiger6 is unrelated to any current conflict, or any conflict at all.

@Alienbeing Libya was 100% NATO.

@puff WRONG!!! Prove NATO involvement, i.e. how the organization was involved.

@puff NATO was NOT a participant in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia or Syria. You obviousy don't know what NATO is.

Many members of NATO were in those conflicts but NATO was uninvolved.

@puff NATO was NOT Libya. Learn what NATO is and its command structure so that you don't continue to make a fool of yourself.


Typical rt nonsense.

It is you who talks nonsense like this statement "NATO was NOT involved in any of the conflicts you listed."

Read and learn

Wikipedia seems to have forgotten Syria as well, where NATO members the UK, US and France sent missiles. I'm sure you remember, it was the only time there was bipartisan support for Trump who was acting "presidential" according to media. Not to mention training "moderate" Islamic terrorists on the sly.

@puff You OBVIOUSLY don't have a clue. While countries who are NATO members have and do fight in conflicts, NATO IS NOT and HAS not been involved in anything you mentioned.

NATO is an organization founded to provide mutual defense. Any member country can go fight anywhere they choose to do so and that does NOT involve NATO.

Get an education!!!

@Alienbeing I just ducked (googled) "was nato involved in Libya conflict?" and guess what? A NATO website came up. Guess what it says? Operation Unified Protector (OUP)

@Alienbeing I think you actually think NATO is a benign organisation. Who do you think destroyed Libya? Because it wasn't Nth Korea, nor China nor was NATO.
We can probably thank HRC for pushing for NATO's involvement as Secretary of State. Biden was VP at the time.

@puff Perhaps you should have read what you posted prior to posting it. According to the article YOU referenced NATO was not involved in any combat operations, actually they were involved in civilain relief operations. As for your second post, NOTHING, you posted supports your contention that NATO "destroyed" Libya, actually quite th opposite.

Last I notice you still didn't back up your statement regarding NATO involvements in other countries.

@Alienbeing Again, read and learn []

@puff Do you bother to read? My replies to you concerned a very specific list of countries that you alleged had been "destroyed" by NATO.

NOTHING you have since posted corected anything I said about those countries. Hence reading your replies does not cause me to learn anything.

YOU apparently need to learn how to read.

@Alienbeing "Last I notice you still didn't back up your statement regarding NATO involvements in other countries."

Does "involvement" equate "destroyed" now?
Your reading is fine, need some work on your comprehension.

If NATO's enforcement of a no-fly zone did not result in " NATO "destroyied" Libya, actually quite th opposite." What is the opposite of destroyed................

OK, I'll correct my statement.
NATO's involvement in Libya "created" the country we see today.

@puff YOU, not I used the word "destroyed". If you want to change your entire approach, that is fine with me because your approach was easily proven wrong.

When you make up your mind what you are trying to say, let me know.

Do you live in Russia, or Belarus?


Oh, Jeeze! You think we will see an ethnic cleanse if the Ukraine is victorious and Putin started the whole damned thing. I never made it past your first paragraph.

I said it was interesting, not that I agree. Let's put it this way, don't think they will build statues of rebel leaders like the states did.


Russian propaganda and misinformation information. I couldn’t stand reading past a few pages.


This is pure Kremlin propaganda and disinformation. So many lies in one post is quite an achievement. I'll just pick one: - "Under international law, Moscow has a right to protect its citizens no matter where they might be."Settiing aside the fact that these were Ukrainian (or Kiev's, to mirror the language of the post) citizens, you could use this perverted logic to justify the US attacking Russia for detaining Brittney Griner for example. Just pure rubbish, start to finish.

Have you been to Donbass Gareth & talked to all the Russian citizens?

If not I suggest you fly over forthwith to verify your assertions.

I also seem to remember that Ukraine not long ago was part of Russia. Didn't it even provide one of its own to be leader of the USSR?

@theMoriarty "Have you been to Donbass Gareth & talked to all the Russian citizens?" - have YOU? Fyi, Ukraine was never part of Russia, any more than Australia was part of Britain.

@Gareth according to []

Ethnic groups

Ukraine. . . . . . . . . . Russia
Ukrainian 77.8%, ... Russian 77.7%,
Russian 17.3%, ... Tatar 3.7%,
Belarusian 0.6%, ... Ukrainian 1.4%,
Moldovan 0.5%, ... Bashkir 1.1%,
Crimean Tatar 0.5%, ... Chuvash 1%,
Bulgarian 0.4%, ... Chechen 1%,
Hungarian 0.3%, ... other 10.2%,
Romanian 0.3%, ...
Polish 0.3%, ...
Jewish 0.2%, ...
other 1.8% (2001 est.) ...
.......................................... unspecified 3.9% ... (2010 est.)

note: nearly 200 national and/or ethnic groups are represented in Russia's 2010 census


When political conflicts escalate to the use of force and violence, not only does it divide an entire nation but it ultimately causes displacement, persecution, not to mention cleansing, of certain groups of people. This scenario has been seen and implemented in many wars in the past.

Ryo1 Level 8 Dec 18, 2022

Hello there,my name is Eric and I'm so sorry to intrude but I just joined this group and wanted to comment when I saw your profile,I really do hear of magic moments but when I saw your profile!!!it was the real magic moment for me,I hope you text after seeing my comment,have a nice and wonderful day ahead!

Text you? No thanks, mate. You obviously use this copied and pasted comment (at least twice here). Where else have you been dropping the same comment? Lol


It is a sorry world when people consider themselves to belong to one race/cultural or another. It brings on many sorry situations.

That being called centroism It's fine to learn something from each group, because humans are very social creatures. Once someone limits their own personal world to a onesided group, it's us against them. I perfer to avoid those traps, that's stuck in the mud for a long time..

Exactly Jolanta. Birds do not have passports. Certain of them kill others for their source of food. Humans don't!

@FrayedBear Humans do kill for power and money all the time.

@Jolanta power & money are ego issues not basic survival need.

@FrayedBear So

Hello there,my name is Eric and I'm so sorry to intrude but I just joined this group and wanted to comment when I saw your profile,I really do hear of magic moments but when I saw your profile!!!it was the real magic moment for me,I hope you text after seeing my comment,have a nice and wonderful day ahead!

This guy, Erickshinseki, sounds weird. Watch it lady. Just a friendly piece of advice from someone who suffered stalking in the past. 😉

@Ryo1 Yes, it does sound a bit over the top. I totally agree.

@Ryo1, @Jolanta he used the same line on someone else I read 30 minutes ago. He says fuck all of zero about himself but appears to be wanting to represent himself as patriotic (photo with stars & swipes), manly militaristic - photo with aging toy soldier alongside, elder stateman - in shirt sleeves behind power desk, not a manual worker as he wears a tie but says nothing about himself other than he imagines that he wants a heterosexual shag.

@FrayedBear One creepy guy. 🤢

@Ryo1 Possibly a square peg in a round hole or just one of the many who have fled wars to waste their lives making the rich more obscenly wealthy.


Which ever side wins, even if one side does win and the conflict does not last forever, as some do. Some large section of the civil population will suffer ethnic cleansing and worse. That is a given, it can not be avoided either way. But if it goes on forever, then both sides will suffer endlessly. Therefore it is simple maths, that it is better to accept that one or another crime against humanity will happen, and endeavour for a quick end. While given that Russia is the primary aggressor, and has shown itself more willing to commit more serious crimes, it is reasonable logic to support the Ukraine, as the lesser of two evils. Not good but just the lesser evil.

I alway choose no evil than either both evils. Certainly wouldn't be in the first line of defense for either evil. Can't imagine running out of ideas to kill someone.

@Castlepaloma You are not always given that choice.


Certainly I put myself in a situation not to ever kill someone. It's been tested in 6 war zones traveling and 10 years of work in law enforcement. The exteriors force do control my life situations by 10%, like taxes and too many laws. I'll keep on with 90% like tiny house communities, healthy urban farming and freedom more often in my art works

The question is which will be the lesser evil. Not a given a successful Russia will cleanse the population more harshly than a successful Ukraine.
No-one really knows how this will end, but interesting to consider which is why I posted this article.
The US and NATO are not big on post conflict planning with Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya real time examples.

@puff Russia was the agresssor. And Russia are already doing a lot of vicious ethnic cleansing. And If you follow it carefully even Russian troops taken prisoner are asking the Ukrainians for political asylum, rather than be returned home.

@Fernapple Russia is no innocent but I view it as them lashing out after being cornered. Recent admissions from Merkel indicate negotiators at the Minsk agreement were less than open and honest.
The way I see it Russia had legitimate security concerns which were ignored. A solution could have been that Ukraine be admitted into both the EU and NATO with the proviso that NATO would not base any assets in Ukraine. I realise this is unrealistic as Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world so there is no way they could have gained EU membership.
I feel for the generation of Ukrainians born after the fall of the USSR and have always considered Ukraine as their country..........but are Russian speakers. They are now informed they may not speak their language, listen to Russian lyrics/ songs or read Russian literature. It must be a horrendous position to be in.

@puff Yes all of that is true.


I suppose the Russian people are fed this crap but even many of them are not buying it any more.
Why doesn't the author go back in history just a little bit further. Why are there so many ethnic Russian speakers in Ukraine ?. Because Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians and replaced them with Russian citizens.
It's what colonisers do. Britain is still reaping the rewards of "The plantations" when mostly Scottish protestants were planted in Roman catholic Northern Ireland.

I'm British. Please tell me what those rewards are that I'm supposedly reaping.

@Gareth You're British so you should get irony 😉

@Moravian My sarcasm filter must have been set to "off".

The Russia and BRICS now are not planning to take over the world like the G7. G7 is having their last attempt at it since their first and second world War. It was working with bio weapons and their Governments. Yet now loosing by its public noticeable continues false flag attacks.

@Gareth didn't you get any benefit from North Sea oil? Scapa Flow seemed to be a huge benefit in two world wars. And of course you mustn't forget that crowning English monarchs has to occur above a lump of Scottish stone. Now that is sarcasm.

@theMoriarty And you are saying this from the constitutional monarchy of Australia ?

@theMoriarty Northern Ireland and North Sea oil? How's your mapreading?

What language do we all speak 😉

@Gareth last time that I looked N.Ireland is part of Britain & ruled by the same monarch as Scotland England and Wales!

@Gareth, @puff until radio & tv started to ameliorate local dialect & accents there were thousands of discernable spoken languages used in the UK. They used to change every ten miles.
Strangely it hasn't seemed to happen in Australia possibly because anonymity is most favoured by criminals & wannabes.

@theMoriarty Read the O.P. - it references N.I. only, even though it was tongue-in-cheek. And....dialects aren't languages. The only languages in the U.K. are English and varieties of Gaelic (Welsh, Scottish, Cornish).

@Gareth lol can you understand broad Geordie, East Lancashire, Brummie, Yorkshire?

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