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To Recap:
•72% of GA WW voted for Kemp over Abrams—a Black woman
•57% of NC WW voted for Budd over Beasley—a Black woman
•57% of FL WW voted for Rubio over Demings—a Black woman
But right now as Black women on TikTok follow other BW for solidarity—WW are outraged b/c apparently that's unfair to WW🤦🏽♂️
Imagine denying incredible BW access to the halls of power, but feeling discriminated against because you're not centered in a conversation on a social media app. smh we have work to do y'all.

Copied from a comment. WW stands for White Women. White men are no treat but, apparently, neither are the Southern white women. I'm sharing because it's an interesting statistic, to me.

rainmanjr 8 Dec 24

Enjoy being online again!

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But, the media and movies all feature white women as brave and heroic. I'm shocked. Not.

And they're all able to beat up The Hulk while the entire military can't. Amazing, ain't it?


Stupid is not gender specific.


My first MIL who lived on tne AL-GA border hed entire life, and who had been to Atlanta Once, was a prime example of "The South will rise again" (said aloud almost daily) ignorance, like a caricature, really.....


The United Daughters of the Confederacy is alive and well in these states.


That is just sad to realize there are so many ignorant women in the south.

The Midwest has the same problem, and don't forget that area in Pennsylvania between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. It is this way in many parts of the country.


As a WW who voted for Abrams and Walker, I am disgusted with my state. It wasn't my district, but we even reelected MTG, which I find horrifying.

I don't know how you can educate the 57% of WW in Georgia. I know 2 who moved here to WA State. One is a JW but the nicest woman, keeps a low profile and does not even mention her religion. But she is really fun to chat with and love gardening.
The other is so ignorant, so amazingly rude and so extremely stupid I can't believe it was possible to have all that rolled into one woman. BUT she's a know it all and is a huge busy body.
It was southern woman after the Civil War who set about rewriting the history of that war that forms the basis of their belief system today. It is really to sad.

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